
I painted this little chair last summer and then took it to Eye Candy ReFind.

sit before

Since it didn’t seem to be selling, I decided to bring it home and add a little more pizzazz to it.

But first, I managed to dig up the original ‘before’ photo from May of 2014.

Linden Hills 8

Yep, this chair and its companion were pretty ratty looking when I first brought them home.

Initially I painted this chair with an undercoat of Miss Mustard Seed’s Flow Blue and MMS Linen over that.  The second chair was painted in MMS Luckett’s Green, but that one is long gone.

I decided to jazz up the white chair with some grain sack stripes on the seat, and a stenciled ‘sit’ on the back.  I have to give credit for the ‘sit’ idea to my friend Sue.  She brought the most darling little chair to one of our occasional sales that was painted with ‘sit.’  I am totally copying her.

I used my Cricut machine to cut a vinyl stencil for the ‘sit’.  My sister gave me some of the stencil vinyl for Christmas.  It worked perfectly for this project.

sit chair stencil

sit chair 1

I just used tape for the grain sack stripes.  I sanded them down a bit to make them look good and worn.

sit seat

I think the chair has a little more pizzazz now.

sit chair 2

Don’t you?

sit 2

30 thoughts on “sit.

    1. It’s metal and wood. The frame is metal, the seat and back are wood. I just have this one left. I should have showed it to you when you stopped by, it was actually sitting there with your other chairs 😉


  1. I love this – you have such a knack for making stuff look so cool. I might have to borrow this idea, if you don’t mind.


  2. Just what it needed to take to the next level. The first thought that came to my mind was what a perfect “time out” chair. Can ya tell I have raised four kids?


  3. Love this! AND love the “sit”…another good word would be “read”. I love the idea of “time out” too! So many possibilities.


  4. Love it !! I found a little chair like this from the 1960’s that I wa planing to sell as the “time out ” chair or maybe keep it to myself since I have five grandkids 😊 I never though about stencil the “time out ” but I think it will be a great idea. What do you think ? Also what color do you suggest? I was thinking red.


    1. I love the idea of red Nilda! Especially if you’re thinking of using Miss Mustard Seed milk paint in Tricycle. I think red can be a hard shade to pick, but I know that red is perfect … especially if you finish with the hemp oil. It would add a fab pop of red to a room.


    1. Yes I did use MMS milk paint on the metal parts. I did not do any special prep or use the bonding agent. I believe the metal on these chairs had an original paint job on them to begin with, they weren’t just a bare metal. Over time you get a feel for which metal pieces will hang onto milk paint and which ones won’t. Those that are super shiny and slick won’t, but milk paint will often stick to those that are a little rougher and have more of a matte finish on them.


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