wearin’ the green.

In honor of St. Patty’s Day, and since green is one of my favorite colors, I thought I’d share some of my favorite pieces painted in verdant shades while I’m off enjoying my visit with my mom.

I think my all time favorite shade of green is In a Pickle from Sweet Pickens milk paint.

I absolutely LOVE this color.  Isn’t it gorgeous on this washstand?  Pieces in this color never sell quickly for me, but every once in a while I paint another piece in it just because I love it so much.  I always eventually find someone who loves it as much as I do though.  I remember this particular washstand sold to an artist who wanted it for her studio.

I also used In a Pickle on this dresser.

This one crackled in the most perfect way.  And again, it took longer than usual to sell but I did eventually find a buyer.

I have one more favorite piece with this particular paint, this farmhouse table.

I really kind of wish I’d hung onto this piece now.  I’d love to be using it as my own desk.  It’s a bit larger than the one I have now, and I do need a little bit more space.  I’m keeping an eye out for another one like it.

My second favorite shade of green is Fusion’s Park Bench.

I’ve painted so many mid-mod pieces in this color.  Since I don’t want the chippy look of milk paint on the mid-mod’s, the Park Bench is the perfect choice for them.

Unlike with the In a Pickle, the pieces I’ve painted in Park Bench just fly out the door.

Especially the credenza’s.

Adding gold hardware to this color is always a hit.

My latest favorite green is Dixie Belle’s Kudzu.  It was gorgeous on the interior of this little cabinet.

It made a fabulous planter chair.

And it was perfect on this painted toolbox.

I also love it with the Rose Chintz paint inlay from IOD over it.

I still have a mostly full jar of this paint, I’m just waiting for the perfect piece of furniture to come along to put it on.

My mom’s town usually has a parade on St. Patrick’s Day so maybe my sister and I will check that out today.  I hope you’re doing something fun today to celebrate too.  I don’t have any Irish ancestry (that I know of), but I can get behind any holiday that celebrates the color green, how about you?


18 thoughts on “wearin’ the green.

  1. Green is also one of my favorite colors! I love all of the green pieces that you have painted. Happy St Patrick’s Day 🍀


  2. I don’t have any green in my house but that Sweet Pickens is calling me!
    Love each piece their are all gorgeous. I’m also equally in love with with the MCM they look perfect in that color. Lastly that box with the inlay is so charming you can just send that one my way. 🍀🍀🍀


  3. Green has always been a favorite of mine! I especially love the first green washstand too – I love them (we call them commodes) but I find them hard to sell, not matter the color. I don’t know why as they are very versatile!


    1. I’ve never had too much trouble selling them. The last one I did hasn’t gone yet tho. I’m hoping furniture will start moving again for me with spring coming!


  4. There’s no way YOU’RE getting pinched today Miss Quandie! Surely you’re wearing a little bit of green? Haha…….there’s a good chance that all of us have a little bit of Irish in us because Americans are so wonderfully mongrel! Even though MCM is not my style, I love those pieces that you’ve done in Park Bench green. They are beautiful with their gold accents (-:


  5. I love green too! When we were first married we were gifted with several pieces of furniture painted green from my husband’s grandmother’s farmhouse-all in chippy green. I stripped them all back to the original oak finish. What I wouldn’t give now to have that finish back. Hindsight is always 20/20!


    1. That is exactly the feeling that keeps me from painting the barn wood paneling in my dining room. I suspect that one day I would really wish I had never painted over that original barn finish. And sometimes you just can’t go back.


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