upgraded seats.

My picker has been finding some fun things for me lately including this old school chair and stool.

These two pieces have a few things in common.  They both have blonde colored wooden seats.  They both have unattractively colored metal legs.  And they were both in pretty rough shape.

So I knew right from the start that I would paint both of them entirely, including the metal legs.

I started with the stool first.  I sanded the wooden seat and then cleaned everything with some TSP substitute.  It looked like this stool may have been in someone’s workshop, and I just wasn’t sure if there were any oily residues on it that might resist paint.  I like to use a grease cutting cleaner in these cases rather than my normal plain ol’ water.

Next I pulled out The Gulf from Dixie Belle Paint Co.

Isn’t that just the most delicious aqua?

I painted the entire stool, legs and all, in The Gulf.

Once dry, I added another snippet from the IOD Label Ephemera transfer to the seat.

By the way, in case you are keeping track, so far I have used this one transfer on 7 pieces (the medicine cabinet, the folding chair, a painted pumpkin, a wooden box, a mirrored box, a recipe box, and now this stool).  The funny thing is that I mishandled the transfer when I first took it out of the tube and ended up ruining a section at the top (it stuck to itself), so I could have gotten even a couple more projects out of it if I hadn’t done that.  I still have a couple of small pieces left too.

Once the transfer was applied, I used clear wax over the entire stool.

Next up is the school chair.  I had some Chalked spray paint in Charcoal left after painting the table I shared a couple of weeks ago, so I started by using that on the legs.  I thought it would work well paired with Dixie Belle’s Sawmill Gravy on the wooden parts, but after getting one coat of the Sawmill Gravy on I really didn’t like the two toned look.  So I pulled the spray paint back out and painted over the Sawmill Gravy.

Then, I was stumped.  The chair was a perfectly blank canvas with the solid dark grey color on it.  I debated adding a grain sack stripe and stencil (like I did on this one), I also considered painting a union jack on the seat (maybe in grey and mustard like I did on this school desk), but that is a lot of work and I didn’t think this chair was worth the effort.  I even went through all of my re.design with prima transfers looking for one that would be perfect on the chair, but I didn’t think any of them were quite right.

Finally I went through my stash of stencils and came across my notice of decommission stencil from Maison de Stencils.  You may remember that I used it last October to create a sign …

The stencil was the perfect size for the chair.  I masked off the border on the design, since I was placing part of it on the chair back and part on the seat.

I love the way it turned out.

I used Dixie Belle’s Putty to do the stenciling.  Once it was dry, I sanded over everything to give it a worn appearance.

Then I used clear wax to finish.

So, what do you think of my upgraded seats?

I took both of them in to Reclaiming Beautiful this week, so if any of you locals are interested you should head to Stillwater and check them out!

I also brought in the notice of decommission sign because I never managed to get it there last year.  You’ll also find some of my painted pumpkins at the shop …

And my Farm Life cupboard door signs …

And the mirrored box …

And the boxes …

And the camp stool …

In other words, a whole bunch of stuff!

13 thoughts on “upgraded seats.

  1. Hi, These are really fabulous. I’m loving the stool colour and the stencil on the chair. They just look so fabulous. Unfortunately I’m based in the U.K. so can’t buy your stuff. But any chance you can tell me how much you will be selling the chair and the stool for please? I just want to get a feel for how much you charge for things like this. Thanks in advance xx


    1. I can tell you, but I don’t think the info will be of that much use to you. I tend to price things on the low end, plus I’m in the mid-west which is going to be a different market than either coast in the U.S., and who knows how it compares to the U.K. I priced the stool at $32 and the chair at $28.


  2. I like the stool, but the chair? Va va voom! I now need to order that stencil (although not one single stenciled Halloween thing has sold in my shop). But us stencil hoarders need to stick to our plan of owing every great stencil made! Thanks for the inspiration.


    1. LOL, Yep, seems like a reasonable plan to me 😉 I’m hoping that the chair will appeal to someone with a slightly quirky decorating style who wants to use it year ’round. Fingers crossed!


  3. I LOVE the black chair…..it makes for some classier Halloween decorating! And lucky for Reclaiming Beautiful……they’re receiving a mother lode!


  4. I love the black chair! I have 2 of those chairs that I had hand-painted for my grandson. One has a farm scene with an orange tractor (because they have an orange tractor.) The other is a school scene with an apple (his mom is a teacher). One or both of them have an American flag. (It’s been a few years so I don’t remember which.) The chairs came from a school where my daughter-in-law worked. Love all these old-style chairs. (I sure wish I could get to your shop. You have such beautiful things.) Happy weekend!


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