there may be fairies at the bottom of the garden.

Have I mentioned that I have a lovely greenhouse with an amazing statue inside?  No?

fairy garden 1

 Well, I suppose I should add that it is miniature.

It’s part of my fairy garden.

fairy garden 2

Several years ago, I saw a fairy garden that was planted in a birdbath while strolling around a lovely Minneapolis neighborhood (I can’t remember which one anymore).  So when I saw a cracked birdbath for sale, cheap, I realized it would be perfect.

fairy garden 4I’ve had this for many years now.  Each winter I take the top off and bury it in a corner of the garden near the house and cross my fingers to see what will survive.  The little evergreen tree did fine this year.  But it was a tough winter and it looks like several of my miniature hostas did not come back.  The bright lime green one in the front right is Chartreuse Wiggles.  I had a Blue Mouse Ears, but I don’t see it coming back up.  I will have to visit my hosta guy and see what he has in miniatures this year.  If any of you locals are looking for a great place to buy hostas, consider my hosta guy, Gordy.  He sells hostas from his yard, and he has great prices and amazing varieties.  He is an old fashioned guy and literally still has a calling list and he personally calls me each year to let me know that he is open (he opened last Saturday).   He is just south of highway 36 off of Rice Street.  He puts up signs once he is open, and I think he’s only open on weekends until he runs out of stuff.  His house doesn’t look like much from the front, but when you go around back you’ll see that he has 100’s (probably 1000’s is more like it) of hostas.  In fact, the hosta that you can see in the foreground of my photo that is just starting to unfurl is from Gordy and is called June.  It is one of my favorites, along with May which is a lovely bright green.

But, I digress …

fairy garden 3You may have noticed that I transplanted the plants the I bought for my ironstone tureen earlier this spring into the fairy garden.

tureen plants

They were already starting to overflow the ironstone, so I knew they would be happier in the fairy garden.

fairy garden 5

I added a few more things that I picked up at Bachman’s and the fairy garden is ready to go.

“There may be fairies at the bottom of the garden. There is no evidence for it, but you can’t prove that there aren’t any, either”.

5 thoughts on “there may be fairies at the bottom of the garden.

  1. I have 2 fairy gardens. Mine are from old windows, fashioned by someone else! They. Have 2 sides and a roof, all windows! To save money, I go to Lowe’s, etc to but minature plants. So much cheaper! Dollar stores sell the mini rocks. They are fun to do! And I have that saying, ” there are fairies in the bottom of the garden…” On a plaque, next to a special angel in my hosta garden out yonder! Yours looks FAB! Love your blog!


    1. Thanks Cheryl! One of these days I may have to add a 2nd fairy garden. Mine is pretty small and there are so many fab things out there for them now.


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