the guest room.

Today I’m resuming the tour of our house with the guest room.

A couple of years ago when we had the upstairs floors refinished, we took the opportunity to swap the guest room and Mr. Q’s study.  This is the smaller of the two rooms and it was kind of a tight squeeze for Mr. Q’s study.  Since he’s in there all the time, and we rarely have house guests, it seemed silly to continue that way.

It meant getting rid of the full sized guest room bed and bringing in a twin sized bed.

I found the headboard at a garage sale and painted it with Homestead House milk paint in a color called Ochre.

I applied a Prima Marketing transfer to the wall above the bed.

If you’ve ever wondering about whether or not they can be applied to a wall, they sure can.  It was easy enough to do, and it has held up perfectly well.  Down the road if I get tired of it, I will just have to sand it down somewhat and paint over it.  I don’t think actually removing it would be an option.

I have a chair that I painted in Miss Mustard Seed’s Apron Strings at the foot of the bed.

I’ve added a few vintage pieces to the room that echo this gorgeous coral color including a hat box, and old book and a crocheted dress that my grandmother made for my mother when she was a toddler.

The jelly cupboard stores board games.  It’s a piece that I painted to sell, and it never sold so eventually I just kept it for myself.

My weakness for pretty vintage china is apparent in the display hanging over the cupboard.

I also have a weakness for toy telephones for some reason …

and old typewriters …

And they all make their home in the guest room for now.

There are only two rooms left in our house that I haven’t shared here yet.  The dining room, which I’ll try to photograph this coming weekend, and Mr. Q’s study.  I’m still debating the merits of including that room on the tour.  It’s home to an ugly recliner and lots of piles of stuff.  I’m just not sure it’s blog worthy, and I’m also not sure Mr. Q will want to cooperate by cleaning it up a bit.  What do you think, should I try to talk him into it?


21 thoughts on “the guest room.

  1. I love that pop of coral you inserted to this charming space. Love that each piece of furniture is painted a different color and yet it really works. The plates hung on the wall are a sweet addition. The phones are an unexpected touch. I bet they’re a real conversation starter. 😉


    1. Mr. Q, I’d love to see your private domain!!! A room doesn’t have to be picture perfect for it to be perfect for its inhabitant!


  2. Aww, I was just going to add that I thought we could leave Mr. Q. alone to his mess and he shows up with a beautiful smile and a willingness to tidy up. So sweet!
    The pop of coral in the guest room is lovely. I want to know why some of us have these unexplained “weaknesses” for certain items. Unfortunately, I have a weakness for many, many things, hence the utter chaos that is my home.


  3. Absolutely!! Tell him we are all Cheering him on!! I love the textiles you used in the guest room! The sweet crocheted dress and the cozy double wedding ring quilt! As always, your color choices just make the room!! Always so much fun to tour your house! Also, glad you and your sister had such a great trip to Disney!! I was there with you in spirit!!


  4. Mr. Q seems to be a peach and apparently a man of mystery when it comes to his domain😉. The guest room is lovely and it all ties together so sweetly. Here’s to hoping we see the study sometime. #uglyrecliners4eva


    1. Q wants to keep my office a mystery, since it is not up to her standards for “fun” or “vintagey.” Having said that, my study is quite quintessentially Qish. None of my guy friends have a study with so many pieces of painted furniture.
      On the other hand, my wargaming buddies are envious of my space. My own retreat that suits my needs.


  5. I love your guest room. All the colors that I have an affinity for are in that one room. I weirdly feel like we have such similar tastes because I had an old Wooden bed that exact same color and the exact same jelly cupboard. Neither of which I currently have because I sold everything and moved across 3 states, but that’s another story. Anyway the room is delightful and I love the vintage touches in the room. It’s delightful.


  6. I love La Verne’s idea. I do think Mr. Q should be included in the blog, but to whatever extent he would like to be… If he said, “Come on in!” and doesn’t mind the mess, we shouldn’t either. Or, if he would like like a couple of pieces highlighted, that would be just fine too! I am sure you have done some great things in there, just like everywhere else in your home!


  7. Now Miss Quandie…….that’s like telling someone that you know a secret but CAN’T TELL THEM! What? No way……now you HAVE to show us! (-;


  8. That first photo of the guest room with the coral dress hanging there is just exquisite…somehow, it expresses so much more about the space than just the physical facts. It’s almost like an invitation to read a story…then you step into the room and the story unfolds…


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