dear time.

Terri left a comment on my post about the Norwegian blue stool suggesting I use it as a plant stand on my front porch.  What a great idea!  It fits perfectly in this corner …

Placing it out there and getting some decent photos meant I had to get the front porch cleaned up for summer.  Usually I do this much earlier in the spring, but I’d never gotten around to it this year.

Now that everything is shipshape perhaps Mr. Q and I will make the time to sit out there and do some reading.

Recently my 12 year old neighbor told me that her favorite thing at school was ‘dear time’.  Huh, I said.  Dear time?

Drop everything and read!

Don’t you just love that?  I definitely need some more ‘dear time’ in my life.

I hate to say it, but more ‘dear time’ does not bode well for you guys because more reading inevitably leads to less painting.

And the front porch is pretty inviting now that it’s all fresh and clean.

The black cupboard is filled with my vintage cameras.

Here is the other end of the porch, in case you were wondering what it looks like these days.

I’ve been known to use this spot for staging photos of finished furniture.  The small table is easy to move out of the way, and it also provides a great surface for taking close up photos of smaller items.  I get good light here since it’s surrounded by windows.

But boy, I’ve been really tempted to just keep this dresser in that spot.

I haven’t managed to sell it yet, so maybe that is a sign.

Speaking of signs, here’s one that reminds me to not take life too seriously and instead spend more time relaxing on the porch …

Not to worry though, I’ve been managing to get in some painting time this week as well as some ‘dear time’.  I have a lovely linen press dresser I’ll be finishing up this weekend, so be sure to come back next week and check it out.


25 thoughts on “dear time.

  1. Good eye Terri! Perfect spot for the stool. The porch is such an inviting space. And you know I love that collection of cameras. Never heard the term “dear time” though.


  2. Oh I do have porch envy! And being retired ‘dear time’ could be any time. I like to start and end my day with reading and there are precious few days that the weather cooperates in Texas to read outside! The stool is perfect as a plant stand and the green dresser is beautiful on your porch. When I read the title of the post I thought it was going to be ‘dear time, where do you go?’ But your explanation of the meaning of dear time is so much better.


  3. Love the new home for the little stool! AND you get to keep it because its functional too! I also really love that READ thing…never heard it before…I’ll check with Jack and Joss to see if they use that at their schools.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My two cents worth….keep the dresser! So frikkin’ beautiful. I love little corners filled up with a plant and stand. I love the DEAR time. I will take it to heart and finally get through a book or two this summer. You have inspired me. I still love my glass bookcase that I bought from you many years ago. But what good is it if I don’t read the books inside?


  5. It’s me again! I would like to recommend a good summer read, “Behind Closed Doors” by B.A. Paris
    My daughter read it and said it was very good. It also received good reviews.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Quandie, your porch is just lovely….so relaxing and inviting. Wishing you long breezy evenings to enjoy. The spot for the stool is perfect…and keep the dresser.


    1. So, funny thing, I think mentioning that I might keep that dresser knocked something loose in the universe because now I’ve gotten two calls today from potential buyers for it (neither of whom are blog followers, both Craigslist buyers). After 2 1/2 months, now suddenly two people want to buy it.


  7. Your entire porch is gorgeous! My opinion is keep the dresser! It fits perfectly!!! Love your cameras too. Now get out to your “dear time” spot and enjoy it for the rest of us.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m hoping to fit some in later this afternoon. We’re expecting some thunderstorms and it’s pretty cool outside. Perfect for wrapping up in a blanket and reading a good book 🙂


  8. Your little neighbor sounds like she has some awesome teachers! I’ve never heard of “DEAR” time, but it’s something I did with my own kids, and hope to some day do with grandchildren. Sincerely hope your reading these comments out on your lovely porch!! p.s. Keep the dresser! 😀


    1. Too late. As soon as I commented about possibly keeping that dresser, the universe sent me not just one, but two buyers. The 2nd was so disappointed not to get the dresser that she wants me to paint another! I may have to crank out a few more of them 😉


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