cooking with wine.

wine quote

Both my sister and nnK are now rolling their eyes and saying “yeah, right, like she cooks at all.”  True.  It’s more that I sit and drink a glass of wine while watching them cook.  I’m not much of a cook, but I still find the quote amusing.

And I thought it worked well with my sideboard turned wine cabinet.

Remember the sideboard?  I brought it home from Linden Hills.

Linden Hills 2015

The lower drawer appeared to be a replacement, so I decided why not just remove both drawers entirely?  I thought about doing another TV cabinet like this one that I did last year.

2014 spring blog14

But then I decided it would be fun to change it up and make a wine cabinet instead.  Naturally my handyman Ken helped me out with the wine bottle racks, and like usual he seemed to finish them overnight.  Didn’t he do a great job?

wine rack

You can get a dozen bottles of wine in this baby.  The glasses can go in the cupboards on the side; glasses for white on one side and red on the other.  What?!  You don’t have specific glasses for white and red?  For shame.  You’ll have to get them if you own this cabinet.

I painted this with a mix of Cece Caldwell chalk paint in Beckley Coal and Miss Mustard Seed’s Typewriter.  I originally finished with hemp oil, which is what you see in all of these photos, and in fact I took the photos right after it was freshly oiled, so you are seeing a lot of shiny spots in these pictures.  However, the next day I found that the oil had really absorbed into some spots more than others.  Specifically the raw wood that was used for the wine rack, plus the sides, which I had stripped of some separating veneer.  You can see the problem in this photo.  The raw wood seems to have totally absorbed the oil leaving a very matte finish.

wine oops

So I then went over those with some Miss Mustard Seed antiquing wax and they look much better.  Unfortunately it’s been rainy ever since, so I don’t have a photo to share.

This piece came with some really hideous ceramic knobs that had to go.  I pulled out a number of different options to replace them.  I tried some new knobs from Hobby Lobby, but they just looked out of place.  In the end, I decided on these vintage brass pulls that came off an old dresser.

wine close up

I like that they pop a little next to the black and the shape of them mimics the design on the door.  Plus they have the right amount of age to match the rest of the piece.

Someone, I won’t name names, accused this poor buffet of having chunky thighs!  Wasn’t that mean?

wine cabinet

They aren’t chunky, just zaftig.  I kind of love them.

This will be the last piece of furniture I finish before my sale next week.  I’ve had to dismantle my workshop in favor of setting up for the sale.  I haven’t decided on a price for this one yet, you’ll just have to show up at the sale to see what it is!

15 thoughts on “cooking with wine.

  1. She’s a ‘full-bodied’ gal which is perfect for a wine buffet! “I like my buffet legs like I like my wine…” HA!!
    Good luck on your sale next week!!


  2. In a sea of painted furniture, this Linden wine cabinet – and the TV cabinet – stands out like a breath of fresh air. Love the reuse of the gold pulls; they lend a feel of old elegance to this painted lady. Brilliant!


    1. I like taking a piece that might not be super functional anymore (because let’s face it, people are no longer storing the good china and silver for special occasions) and turning it into something people will use. Sort of like you are doing by turning a similar piece into your bathroom vanity! It’s fun to give these old pieces a new lease on life.


    1. Well, I can’t really take credit for the idea itself, I’m sure I saw it somewhere else first … which is usually the case with my transformations. I wish I had that kernel of amazing creativity that allows people to come up with totally new and unique ideas. Instead, I’m a pinterest addict who fills her head with all kinds of ideas taken from something I’ve seen and then adapts them to the item at hand.


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