your guide to the carriage house sale.

Are you coming to the Carriage House Sale?  First, the important details.

Time:  Thursday, June 12 from 5 pm to 8 pm & Friday, June 13 from 9 am to 2 pm.

Place:  6041 47th St N, Oakdale

Details:  We take CASH only at our sale.  We are a low budget affair.  That’s how we keep our prices so incredibly low.  We have no overhead.  No credit card processing, no check bouncing, no fancy locale.  Just great vintage stuff at great prices, so bring your secret stash of cash!  Come on, we all have one, don’t we?

With those details out of the way, I thought I would present a guide to help you plan your shopping strategy.

First of all, please note that no one gets in early.  We rope off the driveway and let everyone in at precisely 5 pm.  So, do you need to get there early?  Well, that depends.  Parking can be a problem.  The earlier you get there, the closer you can park.  But, we have carry out help and you can always pull your car up to load your purchases if you are parked farther away.   The only real advantage to arriving early is that you’ll be at the front of the crowd.  Does that matter to you?  If so, then get here early.  Otherwise, no need.

One tip, as you come down the driveway grab a box to fill with your stuff (available while they last).  Or better yet, bring your own reusable shopping bag or two.

As for the layout, the ‘garden area’ is always to the left of the driveway near the big rock.  This year we have several vintage motel chairs, lots of planters both traditional and creative, some tuteurs that Ken built, plenty of garden decor and of course some actual plants.  Both Sue and I are avid gardeners, so we have divisions from our own gardens to share.  You might also find this basket full of vintage floral platters priced at $3 to $4 each in the garden area.

carriage house china

Why pretty china in the garden area?  I happen to think it adds a little extra something to window boxes.  I have some in all of mine.  See?


We’ll certainly have items along the driveway, especially if it isn’t raining.  I’m hoping to have a mid-century section with the turquoise credenza and chair shown here.

mid century madness 1

As for inside the Carriage House itself, we tend to organize by color.  The right side (as you are facing it) is the dark side, and the left side is the light side.

On the dark side you’ll find black, grey, silver, gold, dark green.  Looking for some fab vintage silverplate?   This is the side for you.  Black painted books, yep, on the right.  Vintage cameras, scales and bingo cards.  Got ’em.

carriage house black

You’ll also find the apothicaire desk on the right hand side.

apothicaire desk 1

Stenciled cutting boards?  Also on the right side.

carriage house cutting board

You’ll also find this fab cane back sofa on the right side, it’s priced at $200 (pillows sold separately).

carriage house cane back sofa

On the light side, you’ll find pink, aqua, yellow, lavender and white.

carriage house aqua and white

Much lighter, more feminine items.  Like these gorgeous chairs that Sue is selling for a mere $25 each.

carriage house sues chairs

Wouldn’t this vintage baby shoe be darling on a shelf in a nursery?  It’s $4.

carriage house baby shoe

Remember this cute wonky stool I painted in Eulalie’s Sky?  It’s on the left side at the back.

armitage stool

Mary is selling jewelry and a few other things, and all of her proceeds will help her pay for college in Winona next year.  Her junkalicious necklaces are a mere $18 each!

carriage house jewelry

All of Mary’s items can be identified by her giraffe in a top hat tags!

carriage house tag

So there you have it, how to shop the Carriage House Sale.

I hope you’ll throw on some jewels, pack your painted vintage suitcase full of cash and head on over!

carriage house dress formHope to see you there, rain or shine.

7 thoughts on “your guide to the carriage house sale.

  1. This is Mr. Q. I suggested that Linda put up a big picture of Darth Vader on one side of the garage and another of Princess Leia on the other, to clearly demonstrate which was the “Dark Side.” Like many of my best suggestions, this will be ignored.


  2. Mr. Q: I just wanted to say that in my own head, I thought the exact same thing. And smiled when I was reading your response.


  3. Thanks for sharing so many pics – now I can envision being there – I know you have put untold hours into this project – “May the force be with you” – sorry couldn’t help myself. 🙂


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