kitchen scale buffet no 3.

Here it is!  My recent craigslist find.  OK, so I couldn’t help myself.  I had to do just one more Kitchen Scale buffet.  I chose to use this color again for several reasons.  First, I had many inquiries on my craigslist ad for the last one and it sold really quickly, so clearly it’s a popular color.  Second, it’s just so darn easy to work with.  And third, I just knew this buffet would also be stunning in this color.

So, here it is.  Vintage buffet no. 3

kitchen scale no 3

So very lovely.

Once again, this one had just the right amount of chippyness.  You can see the detail in this picture of the leg.  Also, I think this picture is a better representation of the actual color.

vintage buffet leg detailI chose to not paint the inside (as usual) because it’s just so putzy.  I know there are furniture restorers out there that do gorgeous things with the insides of their pieces, like adding a fabric lining and so on, but that isn’t me.  Plus, this isn’t an item that will sit around with its doors open for all the world to see.

vintage buffet 2 collage

This one is for sale on craigslist, you can see the ad here.  Update:  this one did not sell on craigslist, so I brought it up to the Round Barn.  I think it will do better there!  It’s so pretty in person, surely someone will fall in love with it.

Don’t worry, I promise not to use Kitchen Scale on the next one.  Even I am growing a little bored with it.

This guy is up next.  I have an idea percolating in the back of my mind, inspired by my painted books.  Check back to see what I do with him!

tall curvy before

10 thoughts on “kitchen scale buffet no 3.

  1. Very nice and yet of three I am totally enamored with the second one all the raised relief on the front made me swoon. I do not swoon! Liked the books a bunch too.
    Between sourcing cabinet hardware for a design client and learning how to make 5 minute artisan bread( I know I am late to the party on this) you have inspired me to
    try MMS paint. I fell in love with a piece by Ralph Lauren’s in indigo a few years ago.
    Perhaps I will dip my toe in the pond.


    1. Give the MMS paint a try, but be prepared to be laid back and just go with it. Sometimes the results are hard to predict. So you liked the 2nd buffet the best huh? I am definitely partial to the first, but then that is the one that I am keeping, so I’m definitely biased.


  2. Ok let me be more clear I liked them all and the first is absolutely charming. I have a large family. Not large in how many: four kids well they are adults now but they are on the above average size 5’11″(girl) 6’4″(boy) 6’5″ (boy) 6’7″(thank God a boy). I am the short one at 5’8″. So maybe it’s the size cause it makes me feel petite? Whatever
    I am so not petite. And as for today’s piece I have been looking for something similar for a 30 something client. I showed her Maria’s (at Color Me Happy)dining room buffet a couple of weeks ago. Her husband has issues with painted wood. Lack of exposure to what’s going on today in the world of furniture. Anyway these refurbished pieces are much more budget friendly than new and lands sake(as my mother would have said) have more personality! I prefer the 2nd for myself (1) for scale cause I subscribe to the theory a big piece makes a small space seem larger and (2) I love the detail! I have a stuffy mahogany piece that I paid way too much for years ago that the husband loves. I have said way too much but if I could ask just one question. I tried yesterday to look at MMS paints online with no luck. Where do you purchase the stuff?


    1. Hey, I am 5’10” so I would fit right in with your family! I agree about the refurbished pieces being more budget friendly and having more personality, and I also find that many of them are made with much higher quality materials than you can find (or should I say afford) today. More people should be furnishing their houses via craigslist or other second hand options I say. As for the paint, I buy mine at a shop that isn’t too terribly far away, but if you go here, you can search for either a retailer near you or find a place to order from online.


      1. Thanks for the info I found a place 10 minutes away that is carrying her products so I went in today that did not have the new colors in fact everything is 15% off she is closing her booth. She was charging $19.00 before the discount for the antiquing wax does that sound right? It was a teeny tiny little jar. I decided to buy the artissimo online while there is free shipping.
        Yes you would fit in our family at 5’10”. Come on down. 🙂


      2. Oh good, I’m glad you found some close by! To be honest, I have not used the MMS wax. I thought it seemed really expensive when I looked at it. I use SC Johnson paste wax when I want wax. Or sometimes I use the tinted Briwax if I want a dark wax. I have read that the MMS wax smells nice, and I can tell you that the SC Johnson & Briwax are very stinky. You really don’t want to use them indoors. Now that it is winter and I’m finishing everything indoors, I have been using the MMS hemp oil. It works a little differently from wax, but I am finding that I really like it. One more tip for you, you will find that the MMS colors can look very different with the different topcoats. I especially found that to be true with the Artissimo. The first time I used that color I finished it with an untinted wax and it looked like what I would call a rather country blue. If you want the deep, dark rich Artissimo that you see on MMS’ website, you’ll want to finish with the oil. If you look at the dresser I painted in Artissimo on my furniture page, I finished that with a dark tinted Briwax to get the color that dark. Good luck! Let me know how it goes.


      3. I took a look at your chest in artissimo it’s the very first one you listed I think. Cute style. The new paint colors have free shipping for some reason I thought artissimo was new. So together with the hemp oil it’s like a $53.00 dollar purchase all that to ask did you get all three kitchen scale pieces out of one bag? Just wondering how far it goes. I am biting the bullet tomorrow. Thanks again Linda.

        Sent from my iPad



      4. I painted the Cokato vanity in Kitchen Scale, then the 3 buffets, plus that mirror frame in my living room. And all together I used just over two bags of paint for those 5 pieces. With the darker colors, I find I can usually get 2 pieces out of each bag. I usually mix the paint a little thicker for the first coat, ratio of one to one water to paint, then I do a second quick coat with the paint watered down just a tad more and this is more than sufficient coverage. In fact, many people probably wouldn’t even bother with the 2nd coat, but I’m a bit of a perfectionist. The lighter colors, and especially the whites, take more like 3 coats to cover, and sometimes I even think it could use a 4th. Thus you can go through an entire bag of paint on one item. It is definitely not the cheapest route to a painted buffet. Honestly, I held out for a long time and didn’t even try this paint for that reason. Then I bought a sample of it at a flea market, and the rest is history. I just love the way it gets chippy, and it is so easy to distress with just a quick hand sanding. And the final look is worth it.


      5. Thanks for all this hard earned knowledge it is more than kind for you to give this so freely. It seems kinda of a daunting task for me because as a designer I create the idea and then hire it out. But and this is the honest truth your work is so superior to 95% of what is out there I am inspired by your results to try it. I will keep you posted.


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