stuff for the shop.

Now that I’m retired from the day job, and the holidays are over, I’ve been doing a little more thrifting.  Most of the items I purchase while thrifting get a makeover and then go to the shop where I sell on consignment, Reclaiming Beautiful in Stillwater, MN.  Reclaiming Beautiful restocks and rearranges their shop every Wednesday evening, so when they open on Thursday everything looks fresh (they are open Thursday thru Saturday each week).  I’m hoping to make it down there tonight with a load of goodies, so I thought I’d share some of what I’m bringing with you guys today.

Starting with this collection of 6 well worn wooden croquet balls.

My picker Sue found these for me a while back and I’ve been hanging onto them trying to figure out how to display them.  Finally it occurred to me that I could just find a cheap wooden bowl at the thrift store, paint it black and voila!

I washed the bowl with TSP Substitute to make sure I was removing any oils first, then I sanded it lightly and painted it in Dixie Belle’s Midnight Sky.  I sanded to distress and finished it with some of their Big Mama’s Butta.  Then, while I had the Butta out, I also buffed up the balls a bit (I was really tempted to title this blog post “buffing my balls with butta'”, but I was fairly certain that would be attract the wrong crowd).

Anyway, the bowl of balls is priced $24.

This next piece came from the thrift store looking like this …

I’m not exactly sure what was meant by that ‘dig it’, maybe there were gardening tools inside originally?  Regardless, I didn’t really ‘dig it’ as is, so I sanded it down and painted it in Dixie Belle’s Sawmill Gravy and added some bits from one of my favorite IOD transfers, Label Ephemera.

It would make a fabulous gift basket filled with French themed items.

Another fun idea would be to put some potted herbs inside.  If I had some, I’d stage it up and photograph it that way, but I’m fresh out of potted herbs.  I’m pricing the crate at $24, without the contents.

On the same visit to the thrift store, I picked up this little wooden tote.

I really didn’t care much for that handle, so I replaced it with something from my stash with a bit more of a vintage feel.

Then I painted the whole thing in Dixie Belle’s Drop Cloth including the handle, sanded to distress and added a few transfers.

The black Flower and Garden transfer is one of with prima’s Classic Vintage Labels, and the flowers on the sides are from the Dixie Belle Vintage Floral transfer …

This little tote would be totally adorable as a gift basket, or even an Easter basket.  I can see it lined with faux moss and then filled with pretty Easter eggs.  Is it too early for Easter?

The flower crate is $18.

Next up, this lovely silver bowl.

It’s a little difficult to judge the size from that photo, but it’s a good sized bowl.  Maybe halfway between cereal bowl and punch bowl.  I love the embossed shield and crown.  I purchased this one at an estate sale last fall, not during my recent thrifting, but thought I’d share it here anyway.

I think this bowl would be gorgeous for a floral arrangement, maybe filled with peonies for example, like this smaller bowl I shared last summer …

The silver bowl is priced at $28.

Quick question for you guys; do you prefer to see silver freshly polished or with a bit of tarnish?  I’m a fan of the tarnished look, but I know it might not be everyone’s cup of tea.  Would you have polished that bowl before bringing it in to sell?

Next up is another item that I didn’t actually buy at a thrift store recently.  This … um, I have no idea what to call it …

Spiral thingie?  Does anyone know if these have a name?  I suspect it is some sort of desktop organizing item, and in fact that is what I had been using it for on my desk at the old day job.  I brought it home with me when I retired, but haven’t found a good spot for it at my house so I’m going to sell it on.

It’s perfect for displaying some old photos, and it’s priced at $12.

I brought in a couple of buckets as well.

I shared both of these back in December and was planning to take them in to the shop, but just never made it.

Although I staged them up for Christmas in these photos, these buckets can be used in so many different ways.  I use one as a trash can in my home office.  They also look great filled with peonies (clearly I’m craving spring).

The buckets are priced at $40.

Another item I’m bringing in is this mirror with a transfer …

I posted this one here a while back and I still have it, so I’ll bring it in and hope it sells for $40.

I’m also bringing in this trio of vintage blue books.

Books in similar colors are great for introducing different heights to your decorating vignettes.  The set of books is $10.

Of all my finds at the thrift store last week, I’ve saved the best for last.

I’m just putting the final touches on this barrister’s bookcase and I plan to share it here on Friday, so be sure to stay tuned for that.

Finally, in case you are wondering, I do sometimes bring things home from the thrift store and hang on to them.  I saw this old flour cannister that had lost its lid and I immediately thought ‘tulips!’

I suppose that the look of delftware automatically makes me think ‘Dutch’, which then makes me think ‘tulips’, but it does make an awesome vase for this bunch of yellow tulips that I picked up at Target.  It’s a great way to add a little touch of spring to these bitterly cold January days.  And spring is just around the corner … OK, maybe that’s optimistic thinking for January, but a little optimism never hurt anybody, right?

45 thoughts on “stuff for the shop.

  1. Love all of these! You are giving me spring fever. I continue to enjoy your retirement immensely🤣🤣. I really enjoy these small makeovers.


  2. Ob my gosh, you made me.laugh. tjat is exactly what I was thinking about the ball
    So funny. I do love the flour canister. I would have.kept that one also. Some great items for your booth. I’m working on some now for mine.


  3. I enjoy your finds and projects so much!! January has always been a dreary month for me and seems so long. I guess it’s a post holiday thing. Throwing myself into a few projects seems to be a tonic for that, and I’m so thankful for your inspiration!! On the silver, I actually like it a little tarnish but not too much. (a little old, a little new) If I overdo then I know it will tarnish more with time. 🙂 It’s all good!! One question, when you put fresh flowers in the silver containers do you add water directly to the container or do you line it with another? I’ve always used fake flowers but I’d like to do fresh in one of my silver pieces. 🙂


    1. I’ve always put fresh flowers directly into silver containers without any problem, unless the container isn’t watertight in which case I do put a glass or plastic vessel inside the silver one. I can’t really find any definitive info online regarding this, so if anyone else has some insight hopefully they’ll leave a comment.


  4. I think I need some tulips for my office too. It would cheer up my room and me a little:) I can’t wait to see the barrister bookcase when it is done. I wonder what my collections of small shoes would look like in it? Everything looks wonderful!!


  5. Nearly spit out my hot chocolate right out of my mouth on your “buttering the balls” statement. Lol! The iron piece is in fact a letter/business card/file holder as advertised on a number of sites. I just Googled it. Is Googled even a word? I like silver both tarnished a bit and shiny. I think it depends on your aesthetic.
    It’s very fun to watch all the projects you are resurrecting weekly. You still amaze me with your never ending ability to see items in a new light. I’ve always been fond of mirrors with lettering nice piece. I wish I was local so I could grab that bowl now that’s a handsome find. I have said it in the past but you do have an enviable posse: Ken – repair man extraordinaire, Sue world class picker, nnk roadside furniture finder and of course Mr. Q the guy with the truck.😉


  6. Hi, Love all your projects! I always look forward to your posts. I’m fairly new as a follower, and wonder if you’ve ever published a list of your resources for stencils and transfers? You use so many that are beautiful and unique; I never seem to see any like them when I’m browsing. Thanks! And I’m right there with you dreaming of spring!


    1. I have not published a list. Usually when I use a stencil I try to mention where I purchased it (currently I get most of my stencils from Maison de Stencils or Wallcutz). As for the transfers, several years ago I was a content creator for with prima, so most of those transfers were sent to me directly by them. As for the IOD transfers, I buy them in a variety of places both online and brick and mortar shops near me. But I always note the name of the transfer, so if you’re looking for a particular one just google it. You’ll find plenty of ways to purchase online. Etsy is always a great source for both stencils and transfers too. If you’re ever wondering about one in particular, feel free to ask me about it in a comment and I’ll be sure to get back to you!


  7. Love everything you do and really enjoy the smaller projects – its fun to see how dated wooden storage pieces can get a whole new life! Are your prices in line with the shop? You do such beautiful work and at those prices I’d fill up the back of my SUV with your treasures…..


    1. To be honest, my prices are a little bit low. But I like my stuff to move fast, and I’m not really in it for the money, so I prefer to keep them on the low end.


  8. I love reading your blog…it’s like having you in the same room making your “butter my balls” comments! Lol. I always love to see your “smalls” too…it seems like you always find just the right things to makeover. Here’s to many more makeovers in your future! 🍷


    1. Here’s how I look at it. When I purchase stencils, I try to only purchase those that I can get multiple uses out of. So that brings the price down to only a few dollars per use. The transfers can be a different story. Obviously you can only use them once. But on these smalls I use portions of larger transfers, so when you break it down, once again I usually only spend a few dollars for each item. I should do a blog post about that and show you want I mean, stay tuned for that!


  9. Oh my goodness! Love all the goodies! Just wish I was closer! There are several items I just NEED!
    Looking forward to the next reveal!
    Smiles, alice


  10. Wow! Your staging has given me some ideas and I would buy every piece that you take to the shop. I’m in sunny Georgia (will be 54 degrees later today🌞) so winter is not really dreary here. But I’m dreaming of those gorgeous pink peonies too. Using a galvanized bucket for a trash can is brilliant…I’m headed out to the garage right now


  11. Your posts are so much fun to read! I just love how you update/repurpose/make over an item and it turns out so great! My favorite this time is the Flower & Garden tote, but all the makeovers turned out great. Wish I was local to visit your booth!


  12. “Butta my balls”!!! I LOVE when other people have a similar sense of humor to mine! (& my family. We’re all crazy!) And I’d love to have that bowl of balls myself. My son LOVES Alice in Wonderland so I’m looking for a croquet set with balls. I truly adore all your upggrades. You have such great ideas.


  13. You transformed some great finds!! I love that silver bowl. Yes I like it more tarnished too. You have such an eye and talent for transforming these thrift finds. 😊


  14. LOL…We lived in Chippewa Falls and Menomonie..and I can add–there won’t be any Spring for awhile. Great post, and if we ever make it up there again, I would love to see your shop! Sandi


  15. So many wonderful things!!! I’m so happy you have more time now – we all benefit from it! ;)) Love all the makeovers you shared Linda, but those balls in that wooden bowl… they are soooo beautiful.
    Re polishing… Tarnish it is!


  16. I was into Reclaiming Beautiful bright and early this morning and bought those vintage croquet balls. I’ve been looking for some for quite a while, it made my day !


  17. I sound like a broken record, but I love everything you do! I think the silver bowl looks perfect. If I have a piece that’s very tarnished, I polish it justrvenough so it looks like yours. I think the spiral piece is a letter holder-at least that;s what I called it when I brought a similar piece into my booth.


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