back to the drawing board.

Sometimes you just gotta go back to the drawing board.

Perhaps you remember this dresser that I painted back in February …

I loved how it turned out.  But then, I happen to be a fan of toile (that is the Simplicity transfer from with prima).  Especially the black and white version.

It would seem that not very many other people are.  Or, at least that’s what I’m blaming for the fact that this dresser hasn’t sold.  Of course, it could be many other things, like COVID-19 for example.  Or it could be that I haven’t stayed on top of keeping ads for it posted and updated online.

Regardless, it has been collecting dust for six months now, so I decided it was time to re-think the design.

I began by sanding the transfer off the top two drawers.  I’ve found that sanding is the easiest way to remove a transfer (to read more about removing a transfer, check out this post).  For those of you who have wondered about the permanence of a transfer, I can say that once properly adhered they will stay on until you want to take them off.  And when you do want to take them off, you can do so, but you won’t be able to salvage the finish beneath them in the process.

So once I had the transfer (and most of the paint) removed, I simply repainted the top two drawers in the same paint I used on this piece back in February, Amulent paint from The Chippy Barn.

Back then, this color was called Cottage White.  For some reason, The Chippy Barn decided to rename it and now it’s called Country Cream, just in case you are looking for it.

Anyway, with very little effort, I then had a totally blank canvas on which to start over.

Quite some time ago I ordered a few IOD transfers.  You’ve seen some of the smaller ones that I’ve used on watering cans, a step stool, and a button box.  But I also ordered the larger version of their Le Petit Rosier (it’s 24″ x 33″).  I’d been waiting for just the right piece to use it on.

Turns out, this dresser is the one!

It took quite a bit of elbow grease to get this transfer applied.  I really had to work at each individual letter to make sure it was down before continuing to lift the backing.  And there are a lot of letters …

And I messed up on quite a few of them losing half of an ‘a’ or the top of an “L”.  But overall I think those mistakes just sort of blend in.

Once the transfer was on, I waxed over it lightly with clear wax and then put the same glass knobs back on.

The polka dotted paper I used to line the top two drawers continues to work with this new look as well.

Now, all that remains is to see whether or not the dresser will sell this time around.

And if it doesn’t, then I am going to find a way to keep it because I absolutely love it.

But if any of you locals want to snatch it up, check out my ‘available for local sale‘ page for more details.

27 thoughts on “back to the drawing board.

  1. I love IOD transfers. I have noticed that quite a few of the Dixie Belle brand Ambassadors have started using them as well. I’m sure your dresser will sell now. It is perfect.


  2. I liked it before but the all over transfer does take it to a better place (insert a Hallelujah here). It’s always difficult to make a 180 on a finished piece, but you did a great job transforming this piece into a wonderful and very salable dresser!


    1. I am usually fairly reluctant to re-do something, but this was a fairly simple change. And it worked like a charm, already have a buyer lined up for it 🙂


  3. I remember when you posted this dresser the first time, I loved it so much and it gave me a great idea to update my white dresser so I ordered the toile transfer. I truly believe it did not sell due to COVID-19. It was lovely with the toile and it is also lovely with the petit rosier transfer as well. Hoping it sells quickly. Whomever purchases will have a very beautiful and special piece in their home.


    1. Love both of them…I loved the first one, and the second one is just “more” of a good thing. Pretty sure Covid put a dent in the sale…no one was going anywhere. But, like you said, a little more elbow grease and it’s already sold! Life is good. Slow but sure…


  4. Hey Miss Quandie (-: This re-do is a good example of how being able to make money on your projects is a great motivator! For myself, once I finish a project I’m kind of tired of it and it would take A LOT of inspiration for me to take it up again! I just LOVE what you do and even envy it a little bit—–boo on me )-: Do you advertise your furniture anywhere other than your blog? Congratulations on another beauty!!! (-: (-: (-:


    1. I usually post my pieces on my blog exclusively at first. Then if there aren’t any takers within a couple of days, I advertise on Facebook Marketplace (in several different groups). I used to always post them on Craigslist as well, but the amount of spam replies one gets with a Craigslist ad has gotten tiresome. Now Craigslist is a last resort if I simply can’t sell something in any other way. I also sometimes take smaller pieces like chairs, stools, small tables, etc to the shop where I sell on consignment.


  5. Although your first version was pretty, I absolutely love your “do over”! It’s gorgeous! I’m sure someone will grab it soon.


  6. I liked the first one and I too ordered the transfer for a project. But, I have to say I really love the re-do. BTW I love all your projects. You do beautiful work. Thank you so much for sharing.


    1. I agree about the first one. I had initially wanted to add the toile to all of the drawers, but that would have required several sets of that transfer and at $30 each that just wasn’t feasible. Just doing the top two did end up giving it a sort of unfinished look.


  7. Love them both but the 2nd knocks it out of the park! I’d like to watch you applying one of those large transfers….mine would end up having some really colorful language! Thanks for sharing – I always look forward to your posts!


    1. This one did take a bit of patience to apply. I ended up calling it quits for the night with one drawer left to do, and then finished up that last drawer the next morning. Sometimes you just have to step away for a bit!


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