cheap, temporary art.

I shared my summer house makeover with you guys a few weeks back …

It looked a tad under-dressed at the time.  It was a spur of the moment decision to re-do it and I only used things that I had on hand.

Since then I’ve added a few more pieces to the mix that I’m going to share with you over the next couple of days.

I still need to find some awesome things to hang on the walls, but for now I decided to whip up a cheap and easy temporary solution until I find things I like better.

I found a couple of clip boards at a garage sale for 75 cents each.

I cleaned them up, gave them a quick light sanding and then painted them with Dixie Belle’s Kudzu.  I’d already used Kudzu on the table base, and also inside the cabinet, out there so it was the obvious choice for the clip boards.

Next I pulled out some transfer scraps and pieced them together on the clips.

I have to confess that I did not let my paint dry long enough before adding the transfer.  That combined with the fact that I was painting over a glossy metal, meant I had a little bit of trouble with my transfer pulling up paint instead of putting down a transfer.

So, do as I say, not as I do.  In this case, make sure your paint is fully dry and adhered before adding a transfer to a questionable surface like this one.

That being said, I’m always less perfection-y when I’m making something for myself.  I don’t mind a few flaws.  Especially since these were just going out in the summer house which is really just a glorified shed.

Next I had to search high and low for a book called Medicinal Plants that my picker Sue had found for me a year or so ago.  I knew I had it somewhere … but it wasn’t in the stack of books on the front porch, it wasn’t in the cupboard in the q branch, it wasn’t in the workshop … dang, where did I put that thing?

Oh yeah, ha, I put it out in the summer house.  Duh.

Sue knew I would want to scavenge the botanical prints inside the book for future projects like this one.

There are plenty to choose from, so I’m sure I’ll be using them for years to come.

Although that rose print would have been perfect with the rose themed transfers on the clips, instead I chose two prints with more subdued colors for the summer house.

Initially I planned to hang them on the wall, but once I got them out there I decided I liked the look them sitting on the ledge instead.

So for now, that’s where they will stay.  I’ve got a couple more items that I worked on for the summer house coming your way this week, so be sure to stay tuned.

31 thoughts on “cheap, temporary art.

    1. This, I absolutely love! It is now essentially a picture frame and you can easily change the artwork out! And with the gorgeous color and the transfer, just lovely! Thanks again Quandie!


  1. Your projects are so beautiful. I wish we lived closer because I would love to purchase some of your items. I took the plunge and purchased a transfer. Wish me luck!


  2. Love the clip board used for art display! I have one I use for seasonal prints that I download and print from Graphic Fairy and On Sutton Place. I am enjoying your daily blogs. Thanks!


    1. I’ve often used Graphics Fairy images for transfers, but never have thought to just print them out to use as prints. I’ll have to remember that next time Linda!


  3. I love how you are able to transform the mundane into something so charming. Such fun to see daily posts again this week. Thanks!


    1. Love this idea…quick and easy. Done and outta there. Think I might have some clip boards laying around and will take this idea and run with it! You are always thinking! Another great idea that is easy for the average crafter.


  4. Again, something so simple, but so cute. I have clipboards that I have old pictures on but I love this as well!


  5. Oh my goodness!! Another of your projects that I’ve fallen in love with. So cute!!
    Question . . . do you use Slicker Sticker or other base coat when painting over metal??


    1. I probably should have in this case, but I did not. As a result, those clips are a bit prone to scratching. But since it’s cheap art, for a shed no less, I’m not going to sweat it.


  6. These have beaucoup de charm Miss Quandie! Was it tricky maneuvering the clip while painting? Did you squeeze it up while you painted the board? I’ve tried this but then painting the clip would put brush marks on the board! You’re like an accomplished violinist while I’m out here squawking on a beginner’s instrument! Hahahaha…….technique technique! I’m loving your every day posts!


    1. I fear that the reality might simply be that I’m less particular about such details than you are (not accomplished at all). I just press the clip, swipe some paint under it, and then let it back down. I do end up with a line in the paint where the clip presses against the board, but who cares? The only time anyone would ever see it is when changing out the art it holds.


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