of mice and men.

And bam!  Just like that we’re back home from our whirlwind vacation.  Trips like these always go by in the blink of an eye.  One minute you are trying to make sure you remembered to pack everything, and the next thing you know you are back home in your own bed and wondering how it went by so fast.  But I have a confession to make, I’m always happy to be back home again in my familiar surroundings.  I’m also anxious to get back to my painting!

Don’t worry (although conversely, do worry if you aren’t into travel posts), I plan to share all of the details of our Adriatic Cruise much like I did last year with our Norway/Scotland cruise.  I’ll post about a different port each week until I get through them all.  I think some might even take more than one post because there was so much to see!

If you are one of those people who would rather poke your eye out with a sharp stick than look at someone’s travel photos you may want to avoid my blog on Wednesday’s for the next several months.

But for the rest of you, I’ll be saving one of the most awesome things we did for last.

We hired a private guide to take us on a tour of the Luigi Bevilacqua artisanal weaving workshop in Venice where they still make Soprarizzo velvet by hand using 18th century looms.  It was incredible and I’m looking forward to sharing more details of that with you guys.

I’ll start the travel posts this week with the details of our Street Food Tour in Genoa, so be sure to check back on Wednesday for that.

But in the meantime, today is a special day because it’s my fifth blogiversary.    I started q is for quandie on November 26, 2013.  At the time I remember thinking that if my blog lasted five years, I’d be lucky.  It seems like so many bloggers come and go, and believe me I can totally understand why.  Blogging is a time consuming activity and if you are hoping to make a bunch of money doing it, you are likely to be disappointed.

However, as it has turned out, I really enjoy blogging.  I love almost every aspect; the writing, the photography, the interaction with my readers, the brainstorming to come up with creative ideas for posts and of course the furniture painting and other projects that I blog about.  In the end, even if I wasn’t blogging, I would still be refurbishing furniture.  So as long as I keep that up, it seems to go hand in hand with blogging.

The one incredible benefit that I never anticipated when starting my blog has been the opportunity to work with some great companies like Homestead House Paint Co (which also includes Fusion Mineral Paint and Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint), Dixie Belle Paint Company and Prima Marketing.

So in anticipation of my blogiversary I reached out to all three of these companies and asked them if they would be willing to help me celebrate five years of blogging by providing some of my favorite products that I could include in a ‘give away’ today.

They all very graciously said yes.

However, you know what they say about the best laid plans of mice and men.  Something always manages to go awry.  I was hoping that all of the items would arrive in the mail while I was gone on my trip.  My neighbor Ken was in charge of keeping an eye out for delivery trucks and bringing in any packages so they wouldn’t sit on the porch.  I told him to expect at least three boxes, if not more.

Unfortunately the only box waiting for me when I got home Friday night was the one from Homestead House, so that left me with a conundrum.  Even though I was planning to have just one giant, fabulous prize for my blogiversary post today, I didn’t have everything yet.  So, should I delay my blogiversary post?  Or should I break it down and have multiple giveaways?  Maybe one per week up until Christmas?  The more I thought about it, the more that sounded like a great solution.

And this way I can pay homage to each line of products individually and focus on why they made it onto my list of favorites.

It makes sense to start with the first paint line that I really fell in love with, Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint.  One of the first pieces I painted with MMS milk paint was an antique oak buffet that I had in my piano room.

I painted this with Kitchen Scale and then used Miss Mustard Seed’s Hemp Oil as a finish.

That was the start of a long line of pieces painted in this same combination.  I love the way the hemp oil brings out the vibrant color of the Kitchen Scale.  I also love that hemp oil is so simple to use.  I apply it with a cheap chip brush and then wipe away any excess.  Another incredible feature of the hemp oil is that it is totally safe for both you and the environment.  In fact, it is even food safe and can be used to rejuvenate your wooden cutting boards.

Another MMS color that I absolutely love is Linen.  It’s the perfect creamy white.  Not so white that it makes other whites look dingy by comparison.  It’s a white that plays well with others.

I’ve used this color on a countless number of pieces over the years as well.

Another favorite of mine is the Miss Mustard Seed’s lavender scented furniture wax.  It really makes the work of waxing a piece so much more enjoyable when you’re surrounded by the relaxing scent of lavender.  And the MMS wax is so creamy and smooth, making it easier to apply.  I also love the fact that it does not contain aromatic hydrocarbons making it safe for indoor use in the winter.

This was a limited edition product and I’m not sure how readily available it is anymore, but I was able to snag a jar of it for my giveaway (thank you Miss Mustard Seed)!

I’ll also be adding a couple of things to this giveaway that I picked up on my trip including a Nadalina (a prize winning Croatian chocolate maker according to this article) chocolate bar in dark chocolate with Adriatic Sea Salt.

That little wrapped item that looks like a bon bon is actually lavender soap, also from Croatia.

Plus I’m including an Italian decorating magazine called Shabby Style.  You know I love checking out the foreign decorating magazines whenever I’m traveling.  I picked this one up at a news stand in Ravenna, Italy.  In case you are wondering, no, I don’t understand a word of Italian, but I still enjoy looking at the photos.  And apparently some things are universal, such as an admiration for vintage glass tree toppers.

And a love for worn, chippy, painted finishes on furniture.  As they say, it adds un tocco romantico e nostalgico alla stanza.

You could easily achieve this look using Miss Mustard Seed’s milk paint and I think the color is very similar to her Grain Sack which is a white with a grey undertone.

So to recap, today’s prize includes:  the Italian magazine, the Croatian soap and chocolate bar, Miss Mustard Seed’s Kitchen Scale and Linen paint, a 7 oz. lavender scented furniture wax and 250 mL of hemp oil.

The basic rules:  to be eligible to win today’s prize leave a comment of any kind on this blog post.  Your comment must be left on the blog, not on Facebook or Instagram.  You are not required to follow my blog, although it would be awesome if you did!

Normally I make a point of answering every comment left on my blog.  If someone takes the time to leave a comment, I like to acknowledge that.  I usually only get 10 to 20 comments so it’s easy to fulfill that promise.  But I suspect I’ll get a few more comments on this post so I’m going to warn you up front that I may not be able to answer each one, so I hope you guys will cut me some slack on that this week.

I will randomly draw the name of a winner for today’s prize from all of the comments left on this post by Friday, November 30, 2018 at the stroke of midnight (U.S. Central time).

The fine print: no purchase necessary, you must be 18 years of age or older to win, void where prohibited by law, the number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning, approximate retail value of prize is $110, if the prize is not claimed by Sunday, December 2, another name will be drawn at random to win, blah, blah, blah.

Good luck!

142 thoughts on “of mice and men.

  1. Looking forward to hearing all of your travel stories, Linda! And in the meantime of course I love to read new posts on furniture adventures. Keep going! I love to follow your blog! And if this prize is also available outside the U.S. I would love to participate! If not I wish good luck for someone else. Have a wonderful day back home! Daggi


  2. So glad you had a good trip….but you were missed. 😀 You’ve previously mentioned that you like to pick up foreign decorating magazines and that prompted me to do the same. I’d never even considered it previously until you planted that idea but now whenever I travel I too pick up one or two foreign magazines to browse through. Such fun!


    1. That’s awesome Lindsay, I hope I’ve started a trend. Let’s face it, half the time we just looks at the photos anyway, so who cares if the rest is in a different language 🙂


  3. Linda,
    I can’t wait to read about all of your adventures and experiences. Although I must admit, I did miss the beautiful furniture you bring back to life.
    To be the recipient of your generosity would make me one happy little lady and I hope I can “do you proud” by creating something just as wonderful as you.
    Thank you for sharing,

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh Linda, I can’t imagine anyone not wanting to see your photography from your trip, you capture the most beautiful images from each city making us feel like we went traveling with you. So looking forward to Wednesday’s now. And the give away. Icing on the cake. Not sure if I have been a devotee for five years, but I got here as soon as I saw the light. My favorite blog, bar none. Happy Anniversary, here’s to many more. May your light shine on.


  5. Happy Blogiversary! Love your writing, your refinished furniture, your styling, your tips. Looking forward, hopefully, to several more years of your blog. Also looking forward to your vacation pics.

    What a great giveaway. The Italian magazine looks wonderful. I’m one of those people that always looks at the pictures in a magazine first before I go back and read the articles. The language of a picture is universal.


  6. Welcome home. I’ve recently read of velvet you mentioned and am anxious to see your take on process. I also collect decorating mags when we travel. We visited Old Town Quebec last Christmas and I just busted out the French magazines I brought home. I saved them till this year, having been there for real and all. The Italian ones look amazing. My favorite part of foreign travel is the total reinforcement of my belief that we’re all more alike than not. Wherever we go. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Happy New Year too.


  7. Though I’m late to your (blog) party having just discovered you this past year, I must say that each ‘q is for quandie’ email is savored – and one of my favorite ways to start the day.
    Congratulations on your Fifth Blogiversary, Linda!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Yours is one of my favorite blogs, so I hope you keep it going for another 5 years at least! Congrats on your Blog-aversary. Look forward to your travel posts. I am always inspired by whatever you are doing/working on.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Happy 5th blogiversary, Linda! I love what you do, your pictures, projects, and sense of humor. I missed you while you were unplugged, and ready to see your travels via pictures. I’ll read all your posts as long as you continue! Thank you for it all!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Totally enjoyed your blog about your trip. It will be awesome to see all the beautiful things you got to experience while you were gone. I didn’t realize that you can put hemp oil on the painted part of the “recycled” furniture. I have only put it on my unpainted parts. Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful pictures and hopefully wining a prize BUT, that’s not the point of your beautiful blogs.


    1. Oh yes, you can absolutely use hemp oil over milk paint. It will darken up the color more than any of the other topcoats, and it doesn’t provide as much protection as wax or a poly top coat. However, it’s perfect for pieces that won’t be exposed to a lot of moisture.


  11. I am looking forward to all the travel photos. I have been here for your blog since the beginning. It is one of only a couple I still follow. You are so talented and generous. Glad you had a great time on your trip!


  12. I love reading everything you write. You give me so much belief that I can turn unloved pieces into beautiful things. I wish you include a packet of your creativity in the giveaway!


  13. Well congratulations on your anniversary! That really is a milestone.
    Look forward to your travel photos and thanks for the opportunity of another fab give away. Welcome home!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I will always read your Blogs! And your travel blogs are the best, I do not like to fly so I must live vicariously though others that travel. Thank you for sharing and I always love to read you stuff!


    1. The last flight from Amsterdam to Minneapolis (we first flew from Venice to Amsterdam) was a killer, I’m not gonna lie. If you don’t like to fly you would have hated it. I actually love to fly … but have a hard time with sitting in a squishy seat for 8 hours straight. Ugh. I’m glad that part is behind me.


  15. Oh so happy for your successful 5 years writing your blog. Love it. I love Miss Mustard Seed’s Paint and that magazine looks divine. And I don’t have to read either it if I can flip through the pages and study the photos.
    I will don’t need a sharp stick fortunately, I also enjoy your travelblogs.


  16. Happy anniversary! So enjoy the blog. Like a little piece of candy to start the day, only healthier🤣. Always enjoy your projects and pictures. For those of us that dont get to travel as much as we’d like it’s a real treat! Keep on painting and blogging!


  17. You were soooo missed. I was like a kid on a long car trip, “Is she back yet?” Can’t wait to hear your stories and see your photos. In addition to your painting crafts(wo)manship you are a master photographer. Your photos are intricate and your composition is exact. Just like a painting. Can’t wait to hear. Welcome back and belated Happy Birthday Linda!


  18. Foreign inspiration, lushish paint, decadent chocolate all wrapped with the scent of lavender!!!!! Oh, my what an incredible prize!
    Count me in!!!!!!


    1. What an awesome description Michelle! And that lavender scent is truly devine. I’ll be wrapping the chocolate in a zip lock bag in hopes it doesn’t take on the flavor of the lavender, but maybe that wouldn’t be the end of the world!


  19. Congratulations on 5 years! I am I relatively new reader… I love your makeovers and staging and photos. Thank you for this wonderful offering, I would love to try these products. Cheryl


  20. Welcome home! I definitely miss your inspiration while you’re away, although I know the travel just reinvigorates your creativity and we all benefit 🙂 Hope you had a happy birthday! Let’s do a Thrifty Thursday.


      1. Ha, no, although I have picked up a few things! Keep looking for that Noma star! It’ll have to be a birthday, anniversary, holiday trip 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  21. I love your travels pics and stories. I too just returned from Italy. I took my 84 yr. old mother who has always wanted to go. It was a whirlwind tour too but lots of fun. I think the Italians share that same sensibility of patina and embracing imperfect beauty. I love all things well used. Thanks for sharing your travels and great rehabbed furniture finds.


    1. That must have been a fabulous trip Paula! And I think you’re so right about Italian’s embracing imperfect beauty, that could probably be the catch phrase for Italy 🙂


  22. Congratulations on 5 great years! I think I have been following since almost the beginning. I’m glad that I have had the opportunity to meet you! I enjoy the variety in your post. Keep up the great job!


  23. Missed your posts while you were gone, sounds as though you had a lovely time and I can’t wait to see your pictures. Time does fly by so quickly the older we get and it amazes me how much I long for my own bed, no matter how fun the trip.


    1. So true! There is something very comforting about being home in familiar surroundings. I’m afraid I will never be one of those people who move to a foreign country, or who travel for 3 months out of the year. Two weeks is about my max.


  24. Can’t wait to hear about (and see!) your trip. What a wonderful way to spend your birthday too! Missed reading your blog while you were gone…congrats on five years of doing something you excel at, and also happen to love. Great combo.

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Happy Blogiversary! And welcome back! I so missed you and your blogs! Is this the year that all your blog posts are published in a handy reference book titled “Furniture Painting Q Tips and Other Creativeness” by Q is for Quandie? I’ll be the first to order one!

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Congratulations on the blog-a-versary – woohoo! 5 years is awesome. I initially followed your blog for the furniture makeovers, but actually enjoy each post and photos regardless of the topic.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. So glad you are safely back home and had a wonderful trip! I love looking at travel photos so these will be a great few weeks for me! Congrats on your 5th blogiversary!

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Happy Blogiversary!

    PS. If I win, you can keep the lavender-scented wax if it actually contains lavender. I am allergic.


  29. What a fabulous trip it must have been. I love “real” velvet and enjoyed looking through the website of the mill you visited. Now I’m looking forward to more great blogs. And what a fantastic give away. Hey, it’s got chocolate in it. What’s not to like?


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