
In my recent post about the dresser that I painted yellow and white, I mentioned that as soon as I saw that dresser I wanted to paint it yellow.  But I was a little nervous.  Yellow doesn’t always sell well.  To help convince myself that yellow was a good choice, I went to pinterest to seek out a little color pinspiration.  I just typed “yellow dresser” in the search field and my screen was flooded with beautiful yellow dressers.  That led to my creation of a pin board devoted to yellow.  And then one devoted to green.  Then aqua.

Seeing all of this color based pinning, one of my followers suggested I write a blog post about how to organize your pinterest boards.  Although your idea inspired me Victoria, I decided to go in a slightly different direction.  I decided to create some color based blog posts using my own photos, and it was far easier than I thought it would be!  Clearly there are certain colors that I am drawn to, and today we are starting with green.

garden chair books

An easy choice for my first color focused blog post since I have always loved green, maybe because my eyes are green!

grow plate in box

Or maybe because it’s the color of money 😉

This toolbox is painted in Dixie Belle chalk paint in a color called Kudzu.

box kudzu

My initial thought was that I’d have to take a bunch of new photos of green stuff around my house, but then I started looking through my past blog photos and realized I already had a lot of green!

mac grove milk truckThis green depression glass canister belonged to my grandmother.

french farmhouse styling

These pretty green depression glass sherbet cups were a garage sale find.

green glass

I sold this green birdhouse at my Carriage House sale one year, and I kind of regret it.  I should have kept this, it was so cute.

green birdhouse

This green ‘french farmhouse’ dresser is one of my favorite pieces, but it still hasn’t sold.  Perhaps no one else out there loves green as much as I do?  The chippy finish on this one turned out perfectly.  Anyone need a green dresser?

french farmhouse corner

This farmhouse table is painted in the same Sweet Pickins’ milk paint color called In a Pickle and it did sell.

green desk and books

Goodness gracious, I do love me some green, don’t I?  I have a small collection of vintage scales in green.

porch scales

This is almost too easy.  I feel a little bit like I’m cheating.  Who knew I’d find so many greens!

green (2)

green crate (2)

This little table wears an undercoat of Miss Mustard Seed’s Boxwood, with Luckett’s Green over it.  This one also sold quickly.

green chippy close up

Apparently I’m even drawn to green ribbons.

vintage green ribbon

And obviously green vintage ornaments.

green ornaments

I found these green doors in Budapest.  I love me some graffiti doors.

budapest doror

Two years ago my front window box was monochromatic in green and white.  I loved this combo up close, but from the street it was a little bland.  I’m still debating this year’s window box design.  I’m thinking about a pink and chartreuse combo using caladiums, lime green potato vines, and maybe some coleous in pinks and greens.

test photo width

I posted about these sweet green outfits that my grandmother knitted for my Barbies way back when, you can revisit it {here}.


Of course, I use my vintage green garden tools and books in many of my photo shoots.

plant a garden manual

Naturally I have a green clock on hand for photo shoots as well.

stool with books and clock

Fusion’s Lily Pond is another great green.  If you are looking for paint in the color of Jadeite, then Lily Pond is a great choice.

lily pond

How do you feel about green?  Is it your favorite?  In your top five?

And as for that yellow dresser, it did sell quickly … as a matter of fact, it sold quickly twice!  I put it on Craigslist and had a buyer in less than 24 hours. But once they got it home, it didn’t fit up the staircase in their vintage home.  I could totally relate to that problem.  I also have a staircase with a turn at the top and have found myself in the position of having to return furniture that didn’t fit up the stairs.  The buyers brought it back and purchased a smaller dresser from me instead.  Meanwhile, another of my blog readers had expressed an interest in the yellow dresser, so when I mentioned that it was available again, she called dibs on it and picked it up a couple of days later.

Not only that, but two separate furniture blog parties chose the yellow dresser as a favorite!  First Terry at The Curator’s Collection and then Lucy at Patina Paradise.

So, it turns out that yellow is far more popular than I thought!

17 thoughts on “green.

  1. See, Kermit was wrong when he said it aint’ easy being green… I love all your green things! I think green is an easy color to incorporate into decorating, it goes with all other colors, just ask Mother Nature. I am drooling over the vintage Milk Truck and I believe the color layering on the end table is genius. Genius idea to have a ‘color theme’ as a blog post.


  2. I am a great green fan also! My grandmother always said it was God’s favorite color !
    I also have green eyes and really enjoy your posts. Have a great green day! 💚


  3. Green is usually not my “go to” color when doing pieces. But green done RIGHT is gorgeous …you have made green gorgeous with all of these pieces! I may need to rethink green! & … I have to say, I’m sad for the people who couldn’t get that gorgeous dresser up the stairs and I’m envying the other one who got to have it instead! I’m glad it all worked out for you in the end! I hope you have an amazing day!
    The Curator’s Collection & Making Broken Beautiful (Thursday)


    1. They tried really hard to make that dresser work. They even tried separating the pieces (it was a chest on chest dresser, if you’ll remember), but they were very firmly glued together. I hope they aren’t too bummed out about it!


  4. I LOVE the green dresser! If I had one to paint, it would be green. I’m not a fan of yellow. As a green-eyed gardener, I think green is the perfect color!


  5. Great idea to do a color post. My goodness you are prolific photographer as you are a painter. I just cannot believe you still have that green dresser it is in my top 10 of all your projects. Love all the photos but hands down my favorite color is the sweet pickles. Green is also one of my fav colors but more to wear. And no I don’t have green eyes but I am a brown eyed redhead. My closet has it fair share of green.
    Loved those green and white window boxes last year. This year’s combination of colors also sounds like a winner so no blooms just foliage color. I have never attempted that but no deadheading would be involved. And that is actually on my to do list this week filling the pots and planters around the house. I see you were a pinning whirlwind lately.😎


    1. I know! That green dresser is one of my all time favorites as well, I can’t imagine why no one else loves it as much as I do. Or at least no one who is in the market to buy a dresser. As for the ‘no blooms’ thing, over the years I have been gravitating more and more towards showy foliage rather than blooms. Blooms just tend to be so short lived, while the foliage looks pretty all summer. I love using coleus, caladiums, hosta, heuchera, and sedum for this reason. Even though heuchera is a perennial, they grow well in containers (at least here in Minnesota they do, not sure about in the south). There are some really gorgeous varieties such as “lime marmalade”, “delta dawn” and “mojito”.


  6. I always think I don’t like green and then I see a post like this (or take a look around my studio) and apparently…I LOVE green!!! Who knew?!!
    Lovely post as always!! xxSada


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