
So, here it is Friday and I got nothin’ to blog about.  Yikes!  Usually I am overflowing with stuff to post about.  But somehow, despite the fact that I had a four day weekend last weekend, I haven’t managed to actually complete a project (aside from my squarely modern chair) and get pictures of it in time for today’s post.  I didn’t want to leave you all hanging on a Friday though, so I thought I’d share some pictures of the hatbox kits that are all ready to be popped in the mail for the two lucky winners, Wendy & Lori.

hatbox kit

They will each get a hatbox, instructions for how to dress it up and a selection of reverse images to transfer.

hatbox instructions

They’ll get the two colors of Fusion paint, plus a jar of Fusion’s Transfer Gel …

hatbox paint

While I was picking up the hatboxes at Hobby Lobby I came across these funky mounted deer heads and I couldn’t resist them.  So I threw one in each kit.

hatbox kit

Wendy and Lori can paint them however they like.

By the way, if you are considering making a hatbox of your own, they are on sale through tomorrow at Hobby Lobby for 50% off.  It’s a great time to stock up!  If you would like a copy of my instructions, leave me a comment and I will email them to you.

Since hatboxes were on sale, I bought a few extra myself and tried a couple of different looks.

hatbox options

I had seen a black hatbox on pinterest that I really liked, so I painted one in black chalkboard paint.  I added the wording using stencils.  I’m not sure whether or not the transfer method would work on black.  Maybe if you printed something in a pale grey ink?  I may have to experiment with that a little.

hatbox options 2

If you look closely at the smaller hatbox (which is painted in Fusion’s Cathedral Taupe by the way) you can see that my transfer didn’t work so well towards the bottom.  That was my fault, I scrubbed a little too hard while removing the paper and ended up removing ink as well.  This can happen, especially with a more detailed/delicate graphic, so use caution if you are trying this yourself.  Personally I like a distressed look, so I’m OK with it.

While I had my paint out, I painted up a bunch of tiny boxes for my upcoming party.  I’ll go ahead and finish these through letting the transfers dry and then my guests can practice removing the paper.

hatbox samples

I’ve got a lot on my plate this weekend including a trip to the Minnesota History Center with my sister and niece to see their Suburbia exhibit.


We’ll also be celebrating Mr. Q’s birthday!

So I’m just warning you, I may not have anything worthwhile to post next week either.  But stay tuned, I have a couple of great pieces of furniture coming up soon!

23 thoughts on “tgif.

    1. Will do Melissa! This would be a really fun project for you and your daughter. My instructions are designed around using Fusion products, but if you don’t have access to Fusion paint and transfer gel you can substitute any acrylic gel medium which is available at most craft stores.


  1. I want to thank all Q followers for understanding that Q and I need a little couples time to ourselves once in awhile! But don’t worry, she never strays too far. I’m sure her main topic of conversation will be her seemingly endless font of furniture ideas!


    1. Mr. Q – Wishing you a fantastic birthday! Quandie is so fortunate to have your support. Gotta love a man with a big truck who is willing to do all that hauling of furniture.


  2. I would love the instructions for these! They are so cute! I may make some of the smaller ones too for Easter. Love the faux hat boxes, I can’t wait to try. Thank you!


  3. A girl can’t spend her whole life painting furniture! Tell us about the Suburbia exhibit and whether the Q Party enjoyed it. Sneak in a couple photos if you can. The exhibit ends soon and perhaps some of us will be convinced to see it. Bet you will see some great furniture you would love to make over! Happy Birthday to Mr. Q!


  4. The off white print and colour will transfer to the black hatbox.. Many transfer vintage holiday postcards onto painted wood blocks or family photos (as long as they are laser print).
    All your posts are interesting and your outings are also of interest. It’s like getting a letter from a friend, I enjoy all the posts of places to visit and your fiends and family. Furniture is my favourite, but that would be like having the same thing for dinner everyday. Sometimes I am disappointed when one doesn’t come in my mailbox but I enjoy it with my coffee at the store when it arrives.

    Maybe blogs are a replacement for “newsy ” letters.


    1. Thank you so much for your comment Janice! I often wonder if I am boring people to tears with some of my posts that aren’t specifically about a furniture makeover (or maybe those are the posts that bore people to tears!). Just your one comment reminds me that people are reading my posts and getting something out of them. That means a lot to me! And thanks also for the tip about the transfer, I’m now thinking about how I can change the color of an existing black graphic to off white. There has to be a simple way to do that. If you know of one, let me know.


  5. Can’t wait to get my hatbox kit….love the deer head too!! Thank you so much for your generosity and for keeping me entertained with your posts! Love all your ideas!!



      1. Of course I meant you! I had to have an emergency surgery on December 23rd and as soon as I was able to get to my computer room, you were the first thing I looked for in my email. ( Well, beside EOBs from the insurance company, but I digress) I love living vicariously through you and reading about all the Q family adventures. If you need a break, take it, i for one know I will be here waiting to read when you come back!


      2. Ugh. Those EOB’s are the worst, am I right? Trying to keep track of what the insurance company paid, yuck! I’m glad I could provide something better to read, and I hope you are recovering well 🙂


  6. Finally have time to read today’s post. Thanks for the tip on the hat boxes hopefully my Hobby Lobby will have some left. Really love the black one. Would like the instructions too. Thanks!


  7. I love the black one and yes I would like a copy of your instructions. I would really like to know where you got the stencils from please.
    Did you purchase them online as I live in Australia.
    I have used the transfer method on dark coloured items and what I have done is paint the area where the transfer is going in a light color. Then touch up any overflow with the dark paint when all is dry.


  8. I would love to have the instructions to make these adorable boxes. And I enjoy your entertaining posts too! It’s like hearing from a friend!


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