reflections on gratitude.

I’ve mentioned my friend Meggan a few times on the blog now.  I shared her magical home with you last January.  Meggan is the queen of thrifting!  She has an amazing ability to spot the buried treasure among a pile of tacky junk.  Such was the case a week or so ago when we visited her favorite thrift store together.  Not only did she find the most darling little turkey molds (that I never even noticed on the shelf), but she put together the sweetest little Thanksgiving favors with them.  She texted me a photo of them when they were completed and I immediately had one of those eureka! moments and realized that I needed to invite her to write a guest post and share them with you all.

So, with no further ado, I hand over the pen to Meggan!

Hello Quandie Readers!  I’m interrupting your usual broadcast of fabulous painted furniture to bring you a quick idea for a Thanksgiving hostess gift!  If you are a lucky one that gets to breeze into a celebration with a gift and a side dish or two that is…  If not, whew, whip off your apron to have a well deserved holiday spirit and maybe you will be the lucky recipient!

A little history….Linda and I have mutual friends, but had never met.  Our friend knows our aesthetic is similar and fortunately pointed me to the Carriage House sales.  Obviously, I fell hard for her style, impeccable taste and abundance of treasures.  I went to her sales every summer and fall with a girlfriend of mine and did introduce myself, but it wasn’t until I entered (AND WON!) one of her giveaways that I really got to know her.  Instead of her mailing a heavy package, I invited her over to my house to see my office that my husband very patiently and lovingly (ha) wallpapered with a 1940 Webster Dictionary.  He adores my ideas…does sarcasm translate in the blogosphere?  I’m always coming up with grand schemes and he, like Mr. Q. plays along like a champ.  Linda, of course, brought her camera and snapped away.  I loved meeting someone that understands the bliss that comes with unearthing a diamond in the rough of garage sales, thrift stores or a curb.  I found my sale soulmate, you complete me Linda (she jumps on the couch a la Tom Cruise).

This kinship has led to some thrifting adventures, most recently a trip to my favorite happy place on earth, Arc’s Value Village in St. Paul.  Linda has a rule that if she’s shopping with someone who wants something for their home, it trumps her buying it to sell.  Isn’t she something?  Very honorable, which is a good thing, because I could get scrappy if I needed to.  She’s about a foot taller, so I don’t think I’d win, but I love a good find!  I came across 3 vintage turkey molds for a whopping 79 cents each.  I knew I could turn them into a hostess gift, or three, for Thanksgiving.

thanksgiving 1

Aren’t they delicious?  Uhh, love them.  Instead of using them for their intended purpose, I thought they’d make a great basket of sorts.  I collect things throughout the year and have a gift shelf (well, lots of shelves that borderline hoarding for full disclosure) that I delve into for special events.  Why do I do this?  Because I always have a hard time finding the perfect thing at the right time.  Anyone else?  It also saves a ton of money!  I’m no Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopper, but rather a hunter/gatherer type. I will pick things up for gifts even if I don’t have a particular person in mind.  In this instance, I had grabbed some pumpkin spice Burt’s Bees lip balms for half price last season that were perfect for Thanksgiving… #pumpkinspiceeverything  During one of my son’s friend’s birthday parties, I had 2 hours to myself (a luxury as a mom of 3 grade school boys), so I went to a few garage sales.  I came across the most lovely lady selling her daughter’s essential oil concoctions.  We had the best conversation, I meet the nicest people that way.  I know half of Stillwater from going to sales!  Mostly the old guys, they love to chat.  I bought 6 of the salves because at $5 each they were an amazing deal.  At least twice that at the co-op.  They smell fantastic and have no chemical ingredients.  Win/win.

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So, I had the essential components for a gift, but wanted a way to wrap it all up with a bow, so I thought a dish towel would be a useful addition.  I found some in the Target clearance aisle.  They killed it with their fall line this year!  So, a towel to dry dishes, salve for your hands after all those dishes, lip balm for after all that eating and a cute little turkey that could be a table decoration for next years feast.  I just tied it with some twine that I had left over from another project.

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Et Voila!

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Ok, one more gratuitous outdoor shot with the crabtree background…

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A cost breakdown:  This all came together for around $8.50.  Of course, these are deals I’ve scoured for, but it could all be done quite reasonably or with other small items.  My love language is gifts and it brings me such pleasure to find just the thing that lets my loved ones know I’m thinking of them and appreciate our time together through these little tokens.  Adding vintage touches add character, color and creativity.  These are headed for my Mom, Grandma and Aunt.  I won’t show them this post until after the holiday!

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Reflections on Gratitude…

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Thanksgiving reminds us to be grateful, but honestly, it’s something to practice every single day.  The Universal Law of Attraction is such that the more grateful you are, you will receive more things to be grateful for.  I spend time each day counting my blessings.  I smashed my car last night, it’s undriveable.  I scored 1 and the deer, well…0.  It’s most likely totaled and my neck is feeling it today, but it could’ve been so much worse.  So, I’m lucky.  Plus I had time to be home and take fun pictures and write this post, hey!  My girlfriend hit a turkey and I hit a deer so I said we are well on our way to the best Redneck Thanksgiving EVER!  Turkey feather headdresses and deerhide moccasins for everyone!  Too far….

This past year has taught me a lot about giving and being thankful.  My Dad needed a kidney.  My Mom gave him one of hers.  So, so many life lessons there.  She gave him life, quality of life…for both of them.  It has also taught me a lot about letting go of trying to control everything and being truly grateful for life’s experiences.  There are blessings in every one, even if you have to look a little harder to find it.  The view is worth it.  Wishing you all a bountiful Thanksgiving.  May you break off the big piece of the wishbone.  Thanks for reading along and thanks to Quandie for the invite, I’m honored to be at your table per se!  XO – Meggan.

18 thoughts on “reflections on gratitude.

  1. Welcome Meggan this is just the kind of original and creative thinking I have come to expect when I visit Quandie here. Love the molds and nice touch using them as a container for a hostess gift. Hated to hear of your accident – I suppose it’s goes without saying when you report this event to your insurance company if the deer ran into you instead of you hit the deer the outcome is much more favorable for you. Hope you have no lingering effects in your neck and have a happy Thanksgiving!


    1. Thank you Victoria! I appreciate your kind words and will definitely heed your advice with the insurance agent who is on his way over 😉 Happy Thanksgiving!


  2. This is a wonderful post! First, the ‘meet and greet’ moment. Then the inspiration about the treasures coming together (the hunting and gathering incidents) and it is a perfect Thanksgiving gratefulness story. I loved the turkey/deer recap and your very positive attitude about it Meggan. Well done! Happy Thanksgiving Linda and Meggan!


    1. Aww, thanks Laura! I’m so happy you enjoyed the post. This blogging thing is quite fun! I’m honored that Linda shared her corner of the blogosphere with me today 🙂


    1. Hi Ruth! I feel the same way about Linda’s blog. She’s the first one I read! With news and current events, it can be so heavy. I always appreciate a good dose of creativity and, you’re right, peace in the morning. Thanks!


  3. What a wonderful story you have shared. I have saved the blog Linda had of the “photo tour of your home”. There is nothing like finding a great treasure and making something wonderful. My sisters and I, who I worked for/with for seventeen years,always found the ” silver lining” in what ever disaster came our way. It has tested me a few too many times in resent years but there is always something to be greatful for. A friend and I are going on a craigslist run to Hudson today and then a little treasure hunting. I hope our luck is as good as yours was. Thanks for the inspiration .


    1. I’m so flattered that you saved her blogpost! I’m hoping to have her back for another tour once I finish a couple of remodeling projects soon 🙂 I’m sorry you’ve been tested a lot recently, it can feel harder to find that silver lining during those times for sure. But, thankfully, you are surrounded by your sisters who bring positivity and I’m sure, comfort. I truly believe who you surround yourself with has a major impact on your mental health. Mine anyways! Enjoy your CL adventure today. Happy hunting! There really is nothing that compares to finding your perfect treasure.


    1. Thanks Darrielle! Nice to meet you, and I have to say, you have a lovely blog as well! I love seeing everyone in the creative community making beautiful things! Happy Thanksgiving.


  4. That was a great guest post. Thanks Meggan for sharing your your turkeys and stories. Hope you feel betterfor the holiday. And your car recovers too.


  5. Love love love your blog, Linda! SO inspiring all the time and I LOVED hearing from Meghan! I had to look up her house pics from last year and those were awesome! Maybe we need a Meghan’s Cabin blog series!!??? Great job!!!😍


    1. I’m pretty sure Meggan will share her cabin with us! I’m also thinking she needs to have a regular monthly column on q is for quandie! She is really the master of thrifting.


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