fixer upper.

Are any of you watching Fixer Upper on HGTV?  I had 4 different friends tell me that I just had to see this show.  If 4 people who know me well think this show is right up my alley, it must be!  Luckily, I found Season 1 in its entirety on Comcast on Demand.  So last weekend I had a Fixer Upper marathon.  My friend Meggan suggested a drinking game to go along with the show.  Every time Chip says “bucks” you have to take a drink.  Had I been playing the game, I would have been sloshed after just one episode!  And I watched about 10 of them.  Once you start listening for “bucks”, it’s hard to watch the show without giggling every time he says it.  Go ahead, just try it!

Aside from that, I have to say that I love Joanna Gaines’ style.

Fixer Upper - Tire Swing House
Fixer Upper – Tire Swing House
Chip and Joanna Gaines' farmhouse
Chip and Joanna Gaines’ farmhouse

 Check out more pictures of the Magnolia farmhouse here.  If you aren’t watching the show, you should be!  And go ahead and add Meggan’s drinking game and let me know how that works out for you!

But meanwhile, I have a little fixer upper of my own to share with you today.  I purchased this industrial stool from my friend Sue at my own Carriage House sale.  No one else bought it (which is just plain crazy, it was $12), so I did!

mint stool before

Some people might have just left this stool as is.  But since I pretty much paint anything that isn’t nailed down (and even a lot of stuff that is), I decided to give it a little makeover.

I painted the entire stool with some custom mixed milk paint, the same paint I used on the Wintergreen dresser.  So, now it looks like this.

mint stool after

It has a metal base and a wooden seat.  From everything official that you read about milk paint, you wouldn’t think it would stick to metal without using the bonding agent.  However, I have found that isn’t always the case.  I’ve painted a couple of other metal pieces and not used bonding agent, so I decided to give it a try on this one too.  Worst case scenario, my paint would all flake off and I’d start over.  Instead I got some very nice chipping, but not too much chipping.  Here is a close up of the metal legs so you can see the end result.

mint stool close up

In addition, the mixed milk paint I used was close to 4 weeks old.  Mixed milk paint isn’t supposed to last more than 5 to 7 days.  I’ll admit, it was a little stronger smelling than usual.  But other than that, I didn’t see any problem with using it.  Once I gave it a good stir, it wasn’t lumpy at all.  It had thickened up a little, but that worked in my favor on this piece.

mint stool top

I’m not advocating painting with milk paint that is past it’s due date, or counting on it sticking to metal.  However, sometimes breaking the rules works out just fine.

mint stool staging

26 thoughts on “fixer upper.

  1. The stool is really cute! I must admit to using old Milk Paint too! I’ve never had a problem either – I just can’t bear to throw it away so I keep it ’til I can find something to paint – gotta love Milk Paint 🙂


  2. I’m a recent addict to Fixer Upper, too! I watched the first 10 episodes 2 weeks ago online, as we don’t have HGTV (so sad)! I can’t wait until they add more shows to the website! I will totally laugh now when I hear “bucks”!


    1. I never think of the option of watching things online. Clever. One of these days I might get the hang of that and be able to ditch my ridiculously expensive cable bill.


  3. I have been addicted to Fixer Upper since it first aired. Living not too far from Waco, Joanna’s store is on my list of ‘things to do this spring’. I also loved the paint finish on the stool, I will now try milk paint on metal. And try saving mixed milk paint – last time I painted with milk paint I just searched for anything that might need paint in my garage to use it up! Thanks for all the inspiration


  4. Fixer Upper is my favorite show on HGTV. I’ve been watching since it first aired. My all time favorite show was Sarah’s House but that is no longer on. I do have most of the episodes saved on my dvr. The farmhouse series is the one I can watch over and over. I too have used old milk paint with no problem just takes awhile to mix up.
    Here’s another thing to watch for on Fixer Upper. How many times Chip asks Joanna if his hair looks ok.


    1. I really liked Sarah’s House as well. She liked to use vintage pieces in her rooms too, which always appeals to me. Chip’s hair comments do crack me up every time!


  5. Linda, Thanks for the great idea of experimenting with older milk paint and painting on metal. That finish looks very authentic and I’ve got the metal filing cabinets to experiment on. I also wanted to tell you that I went through the book of house plans and three other books I have and never found your exact house. I would like to mail you some copies of pages that were similar. I think it would be fun for you to see the layouts. Can’t remember your address though! If you could send me an email foxandfinch@aol with your mailing address. I’ll mail them to you. Always enjoy your posts.


  6. Ohhh I just LOVE that show so much!!! I’m totally addicted haha. Love their makeovers! After each episode my husbands like okay what do you want to change now lol. I told him I wanted to go to Round Top this spring, too. He then said I was on Fixer Upper restriction! Hey it’s just a plane ride away from NC, right!?!? Just trying to figure out how to bring it all back lol. Super cute stool by the way! I have an old antique cast iron bed I want to paint with milk paint so it will chip. As soon as it gets warm I’ll get on it!! 🙂


    1. “As soon as it gets warm I’ll get on it!!” – Wish you could teach that concept to Quandie, one of these days I’m gonna catch my death!


    2. I think that bed could turn out fabulous. You might want to do a test spot with the paint to see how it reacts. Or, live on the edge like me and just figure if it all chips off, you’ll just start over 😉


  7. Ahaha! It’s Friday, time for another Fixer Upper marathon…bucks, bucks, bucks. Cheers! Great stool, I love the industrial vibe with the metal. Sue will probably like it back now 😉


  8. Dear Q… Got my Indiana card in the mail today! LOVE IT!!! I so appreciate you kindness in mailing it to me! I wish I lived near you! I would not only be your best customer, but I do believe you are friend material! 🙂 Thanks again! Shelly Powell


      1. I’ve always liked the way Sarah uses furniture from second hand stores, so I hope we’ll see more of that in this series. I’ll be watching for it!


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