the one where nothing is finished.

First up, I wanted to say that I was really surprised by how many of the comments on Friday were opposed to using the primitive cupboard in front of the carriage house.  I really thought most of you would tell me to go for it.

I thought it was just me questioning whether it might be a little bit too big for that spot, a waste to use it outside, better without the doors, etc.

After reading all of the comments though, I realized that it wasn’t just that I was afraid to go for it, it really was not the perfect piece for that spot.  It did compete with the sign and watering cans and they can make a big enough statement on their own.

So, for now, I’m going to just leave that space under the sign empty and live with it for a while.

Maybe the right piece will come along, or maybe I’ll be just fine leaving it like this.

Every once in a while someone asks how I manage to have a full time job and still finish so many projects.  I have to say, lately I am wondering that myself.  How in the world did I manage three posts a week back when I was posting that often?  These days it feels like I am struggling to come up with just two.

I realized yesterday that even though I definitely wasn’t just lazing about all week, I didn’t have anything finished to share here on the blog.  What did I spend all of my time on?

Well, there are the three half-finished toolboxes that I’m painting.  And Ken and I got the wheels added to the primitive cupboard, but it’s not painted yet.  Plus we consulted about the front window box that needs to be rebuilt, and another little stool that he is going to fix for me.  Then yesterday Mr. Q, my sister, niece and I went to the Minneapolis Institute of Art following by dinner out.

But really, the bulk of my time this week was spent in the garden.  And a lot of that time was spent doing projects that aren’t particularly blog worthy.  Like pruning the flowering pear tree, filling in the dead spots on the lawn, and cleaning up the weeds and pine needles on the flagstone path.

Still I did finish up a few small things that are pretty, like planting annuals in my ‘rusty’ planters.

If you’re new to my blog and haven’t seen my posts about using the Dixie Belle patina paint to rusty up plastic planters you can find one here.

I also filled up my galvanized boiler pot window boxes.

If you’ll remember, the bird bath that contains my fairy garden broke in half over the winter.  But Mr. Q used some concrete adhesive to put it back together again, so I got a good start on planting it back up over the weekend.

I was able to save the two mini hostas, but I need to get a few more plants to fill in.

While he had the adhesive out, Mr. Q also repaired the chinese lantern that I picked up free at the WBL Trash to Treasure day.

And then I found the perfect spot for it nestled in the trailing variegated vinca.  I just picked up a Morden Golden Glow Elderberry that I’m going to plant next to it.

Do any of you watch Garden Answer on YouTube?  If not, I recommend checking her out.  She suggested an Elderberry as a good substitute for a Japanese maple if you live in a climate that is too harsh for the maple (as mine is).  Most Japanese maples do well in zones 5 – 8.  I’m a zone 4.  So I’m going to give this a shot and see if I can create a spot with a little zen in my garden.

Although the gardens still need to fill in a bit more (and I know that will seem to happen practically overnight), since I was out there with my camera I thought I’d share a few more things that are blooming currently like the foam flower.

These are such pretty delicate little things and they tend to get a bit swallowed up by the bigger plants later in the season.  But right now they look pretty sweet.

The bleeding heart is blooming now as well.

Just check out the vibrant glow of those leaves!  That is not photo editing, this variety of bleeding heart really is that bright.  It’s perfect for a shade garden because that bright chartreuse really pops.  This variety is called Dicentra spectabilis ‘Gold Heart’ in case you want to find some for your own garden.

This hosta is also does a good job of brightening up a shady spot.

If only I could remember the name of that variety for you.  Sorry about that.  I really should write these things down.

And speaking of not knowing the names of things, this next perennial that is currently flowering is one I picked up at a garage sale.

I have no idea what this is.  Here’s a picture of it in the garden so you can get a better idea what it looks like in situ …

If any of you know what that one might be, leave me a comment and let me know.

There are also a few things in the garden that are just about to pop, like the lilacs …

I still consider my lilac hedge to be a bit of a fail, but I’ve yet to convince myself to rip them all out and start over.  Especially since I love the flowers so much.  I continue to hope that one of these years they will fill out and provide more privacy.  Hopefully it will be within my lifetime!

My Allium on the other hand is a raging success …

Last fall I added a few more of them because I just love them.  They aren’t quite open yet but I have tons of buds.

I still have quite a few things to do in the garden, so I can’t promise that I’ll be finding the time to paint up any furniture in the next couple of weeks.  But I hope you’ll stay tuned anyway!

15 thoughts on “the one where nothing is finished.

  1. I have to shoulder the blame for the failed lilacs. I fight a continuous battle against successive waves of creeping Charlie. I try so hard to not get any on the lilacs, but they are right on the front lines of the main base of creeping Charlie (our neighbors who do nothing about the Charlie).


    1. I think we need to widen the gap between the field of creeping charlie and our lawn … dig out more grass and and add more mulch below the lilacs. Maybe that will help?


      1. We could even leave a foot wide “no grow” swath on the neighbor’s side. It is very easy to patrol it, and pull out the Charlie that way.


  2. Your plants all look gorgeous and healthy!
    The mystery plant looks like Phlox “clouds of perfume”

    p.s. although I loved the cabinet-I did not like it in that spot-plus I’d paint it and find a spot inside or on your porch. The carriage house looks great with the sign and watering cans!


    1. Bingo! I think that’s it. I had no idea it was a Phlox! I’m only familiar with the tall garden phlox and the short creeping phlox. Who knew there was one in the middle? Thanks Melissa!


  3. If I had a trough planter-I’d stick it under the carriage house sign-it would be perpetually “watered”


  4. The periwinkle blue flower looks like vinca minor. I love how dainty it looks. It’s a great ground cover. Never heard of foam flower very pretty. Love the colors of bleeding heart and oh my gosh those lilacs. They do not grow in the south. Such gorgeous color. And I am a huge “Garden Answer” fan. She’s the Quandie of gardening. Thanks for sharing about the concrete adhesive. I had no idea there was such a product. The fairy garden is charming.


    1. Nope, it’s not a vinca. I think Melissa is right and it’s Clouds of Perfume (and what a great name!). I didn’t realize that lilacs didn’t grow in the south until I was researching them recently to see if there was something I could do to encourage mine to bush out more. Apparently they need a cold winter. As for Garden Answer, I’ve learned a lot from watching Laura. The only thing that drives me a bit crazy is the unrealistic (for most of us) scale of her plantings. How many of us can afford to put in 25 (or however many it was) caladium? I just bought one this year and it was $16.99 … so let’s do the math, yep, $425 of caladium?! And let’s not even think about how much those fabulous urns of hers would run!


  5. I think it’s wild blue phlox. Also known as wild sweet William. I have an app called picture this that will ID plants and trees. It’s fabulous. Just have to be careful to not sign up for the paid version. The free one does a great job. Your garden is looking so awesome and I love the carriage sign all by itself. Makes a statement! Also the little blue flowers looks very sweet in a vase. One of my faves!


  6. Hey Miss Quandie (-: I enjoyed this little tour of your yard……and it always tickles me when you and Mr. Q communicate via your blog! It’s kind of like: “Blog, will you please tell Quandie that blah blah blah. Yes Blog, will you please tell Mr. Q that I might blah blah blah….”. You have a ready-made neutral third party if you ever need one! 😀


  7. I loved seeing your yard. It is beautiful. When you share it with us, it has always been one of my favorite blogs that you post. I believe that the plant that you are trying to figure out what it is , is a type of phlox. Your sign looks “stellar” hanging by itself. 😊


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