day 12.

Welcome to the final day of my 12 days of giveaways!

I first want to say a huge thank you to everyone who participated by leaving a comment.  I so wish that each and every one of you could be a winner … well, in my eyes you are all winners … but I wish I had enough prizes to share with all.  I very much appreciate each of you and want to again say that without you, there would be no q is for quandie.  So thank you for following along, leaving the occasional comment, or otherwise supporting my blog.

A couple of you have been asking if I was going to announce the names of all of my winners, and I have to confess that I had to make some time to pull together an organized list.  So I sat down with my coffee this past weekend a came up with the list:

Giveaway no. 1 was already shipped out to Susan Williams.

Giveaway no. 2 went to Laura Hopwood.

Giveaway no. 3 went to Kim Moran.

Giveaway no. 4 was shipped out to Jennifer Knopf.

The lucky winner of giveaway no. 5 was Melissa Sullivan.

Giveaway no. 6 (which is yet to be shipped, because I only want to send Mr. Q to the post office one more time in this busy holiday season) will go to Regina (please note, I won’t reveal last names if the winner did not make it public in her comment).

Giveaway no. 7 went to Paris Burns, who happens to be a neighbor of mine so she stopped by and picked up her prize.  Paris is an amazing gardener and she lives near the park where Mr. Q and I walk most days, so I’ll be looking forward to seeing some rusty stuff in her garden next summer!

Giveaway no. 8 was won by Wendy Olgine.

Giveaway no. 9 was won by Debbie Payne (check your email Debbie, I’m waiting to hear back from you).

Giveaway no. 10 was won by Carrie (Carrie, you also should check your email if you’re reading this), a name near and dear to my heart since my grandmother’s name was Carrie.

The deadline to comment on Friday’s post and be in the running for giveaway no. 11 was last night at midnight, and no, I don’t stay up late to draw the name of a winner.  I’ll draw the name later today, but your comments are time stamped so any comment left after midnight will not be eligible to win.

And this brings us to giveaway no 12.  I wish I had some kind of amazing grand finale prize, you know, like a new car or a trip to Italy.  But instead I have another complete set of the same stuff that made up prize no. 11.

So this gives you a 2nd chance to win these fabulous products from Fusion and Homestead House!  Not quite as exciting as a car, but still a fabulous prize.

Thank you to Homestead House and Fusion for sponsoring this giveaway by providing all of the products I’m giving away today.  In addition, extra thanks to all of the companies that provided items for my 12 days of giveaways including Homestead House Milk Paint, Fusion Mineral Paint, redesign with prima marketing, Dixie Belle Paint Co and Maison de Stencils.

The rules:  to be eligible to win today’s prize leave a comment on this blog post.  If you can’t think of anything to say, tell me if you’re a Scrooge or more like Buddy the Elf this time of year.  Your comment must be left on the blog, not on Facebook or Instagram.  You are not required to follow my blog, although it would be awesome if you did!

I will randomly draw the name of a winner for today’s prize from all of the comments left on this post by Wednesday, December 25, 2019 at the stroke of midnight (U.S. Central time).

The fine print: no purchase necessary, you must be 18 years of age or older to win, void where prohibited by law, the number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning, approximate retail value of prize is $100, if the prize is not claimed by Friday, December 27, another name may be drawn at random to win, blah, blah, blah.

Good luck!

107 thoughts on “day 12.

  1. Thank you so much for offering so many wonderful give-a-ways! Each one was super – and I have to say it just goes along with your SUPER projects that you do. I have loved pretty much every single one you have done for the last several years….beautiful work – you are a true inspiration, and how you get so much done in such a small amount of time is way beyond me! Hope you and your family have a wondreful Christmas & Holiday celebration…..

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I look forward each day to the possibility of a new post by you, and thereby a new project. You gave me and my daughter the courage to paint our first piece of furniture. My armoire turn out beautifully. Thanks for all you do!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Merry Christmas Miss Quandie to you and Mr. Q! As Trump would say: You are a terrific blogger. The BEST! Other bloggers? Total disasters! Everyone agrees YOU ARE A WINNER. Just ask them. Everyone knows! 😀 😀 😀 Just taking on these giveaways with all the writing, photo taking, selecting winners, boxing up, and mailing is a big accomplishment! I keep thinking about those darling brown boxes that you decorated…… inspiration among so many! You should feel very proud…… (-; (-; (-;

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I just want to thank you for putting on this fantastic holiday give away! I just live your posts, especially all the tips you provide. Wishing you & Mr. Q a very Merry Christmas! Oh! By the way, I’m definitely No Scrooge! LOL!😁

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thank you for all the giveaways and to Mr. Q for going to the post office. I think your blog and all these prizes are better than a car! Happy Holidays to all!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you for sharing the name of the winners! I was just reading your post and saw my name. I asked my husband if he had seen a strange email (we share the same email address). I guess he deleted it! I’ll check the trash 🗑. 🤦‍♀️ Congrats to all the winners who will have fun using their prizes on future projects! Thank you for a fun 12 Days Giveaway!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Even though I haven’t won (yet!) I still want to thank you for doing this – it’s been fun! As always I love reading your blog and really enjoy all the furniture re-dos! Merry Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. These companies are very generous to contribute the wonderful prizes. I never win anything but I always give it a try. You know, hope springs eternal. Happy wishes of the season to you and all your followers.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I have used both the Fusion paint and the Homestead milk paint. They are great products! Can one ever have to much paint? I think not!! Thank you for all of the giveaways. Merry Christmas to you and yours 🌲 🎅

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Reading your blog is so fun and inspiring and every time I read it I tell myself to get at the old dressers and bedroom furniture I have from my grandma and mom.! Hope to find time this winter and I will review your blogs for ideas. Thankyou for all you do and Merry Christmas! 🌲

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Last day of great giveaways! Thanks so much for sharing some of the tools and products that you use to create amazing furniture and decor items. Love your blog! Merry Christmas and a happy 2020!🎄❄️⛄️🎆✝🕊

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Merry Christmas to you & yours, Linda! The 12 days of giveaways was such fun…thanks so much! It was great to see all the wonderful products and vendors that you use on a daily basis for all creativity and inspiration! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  13. What a wonderful thing this giveaway has been for all of us “Q” wannabes! Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy holiday schedule to share, not only your goodies, but your sense of humor, q-tips, and fellowship. Wishing you a Christmas full of magic, and a New Year full of more beautiful Quandie projects 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Another chance to win a fabulous prize! Thank you. Some day, some how, some where, I will win something. I just know it! LOL! I hope you have very merry holidays.

    Liked by 1 person

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