one size fits all.

Welcome to day 6 of my 12 days of giveaways!  Gosh, how is it possible that we are already halfway through?

Before we proceed, congrats to Kim Moran the winner of day 3 and Jennifer Knopf the winner of day 4 (check out Jennifer’s shop here).

Each year I try to come up with a new idea for wrapping my Christmas gifts.

Last year was one of my favorites.  I had visited a workshop in Venice last November that made the most beautiful velvet …

And that inspired me to create some gift boxes and wrapping paper using paint and stencils.

In 2017 I went with a pretty in pink theme.

I painted boxes using Fusion’s English Rose and Little Piggy, then I used their Transfer Gel to add some Twelve Days of Christmas Graphics.

In 2016 I went with a more elegant approach using Fusion’s Studio Metallics paint in Copper combined with some old rolls of player piano music.

After painting the toolbox that I shared last week, this year I was inspired to try a rather muted neutral color scheme.  I pulled out some cardboard boxes and some brown paper gift bags.  Then I grabbed one of my Christmas stencils from Maison de Stencils, my Deer transfers from with Prima Marketing and some Dixie Belle paint.

I started out simply by stenciling a grain sack stripe down the middle of the first box and then adding part of the Santa Claus & Co feedsack stencil in black.

I also used part of the stencil on some gift bags.

I have to confess, I flubbed up on stenciling the next box.  My stencil moved and I didn’t notice it until it was too late.  That’s what I get for not taping it down (remember, do as I say, not as I do).  So to salvage the box I pulled out my Dixie Belle paint in Putty and painted over the messed up stencil.

Then, rather than stenciling again, I decided to add a section of the Deer transfer.

I also added some deer to a couple of other boxes.

I have to admit, that one with the ‘fang-like canine’ is a little on the creepy side.  Maybe more suitable for a Halloween decoration, right?  It looks a little like Dracula Bambi.

My initial plan was to use some plain shipping tags as my gift tags, but I should have known I wouldn’t be able to just leave them plain.  When I found my box of shipping tags, there were a few photocopies of old photos nearby.

I also came across some rubber stamps that I forgot I had.

Next thing I knew I had totally fallen down a rabbit hole and was whipping up some gift tags to go on my packages.

Does this ever happen to you?  I completely lose track of time and forget about what I was planning to do (which was paint a dresser, coming soon).  Next thing I know I have made a huge mess and two hours have gone by in a creative haze.

I used some Tim Holtz rubber stamps on my tags  and the metal charms are also from Tim Holtz.  You can find his stuff at both Hobby Lobby and Michaels (at least that was true the last time I checked), and of course online too.

I know most people aren’t going to spend this much time on gift wrapping, and usually folks just throw away (or hopefully recycle) the boxes that their gifts came in.  But I hope my boxes inspire people to hang onto them and reuse them (less for the landfill).

Now, for the part you’ve all been waiting for, today’s giveaway.

Not only does the winner get a reindeer gift box and one of my tags, but you’ll also get a 10 oz. jar of Dixie Belle’s Big Mama’s Butta in the Orange Grove scent and a 10 oz. jar of their Clear Best Dang Wax.

But wait, that’s not all (said in my best game show host voice), you’ll also get a 4 oz. jar of each of Dixie Belle’s colored waxes.

So, if you’ve always wanted to try a colored wax but haven’t had a chance yet, this one is going to be perfect for you.

Thank you to Dixie Belle Paint Co for sponsoring this giveaway by providing the waxes.

The rules:  to be eligible to win today’s prize leave a comment on this blog post.  If you can’t think of anything to say, just tell me whether you wrap your presents ahead of time or do you want until Christmas Eve and then scramble to get them all wrapped?  Your comment must be left on the blog, not on Facebook or Instagram.  You are not required to follow my blog, although it would be awesome if you did!

I will randomly draw the name of a winner for today’s prize from all of the comments left on this post by Wednesday, December 11, 2019 at the stroke of midnight (U.S. Central time).

The fine print: no purchase necessary, you must be 18 years of age or older to win, void where prohibited by law, the number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning, approximate retail value of prize is $100, if the prize is not claimed by Friday, December 13, another name will be drawn at random to win, blah, blah, blah.

Good luck!

119 thoughts on “one size fits all.

  1. Beautiful wrapping paper and tags!
    I have used clear and dark waxes but not the colored waxes. It would be fun to try them. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Q,
    What lucky ducks your recipients are! I don’t know how you find the time and patience to do the box painting and stenciling, but it sure is unique and pretty.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am so impressed with your creativity. I visited Reclaiming Beautiful this weekend for the first time and recognized some of your pieces. Love them! Kathy

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love all your wrapping paper ideas, past and present. I really love last year’s when you recreated the velvet you saw in Venice. Thank you for linking day 4 winner Jennifer’s shop. I checked it out and lucky me her shop is located in the Berkshires, in West Stockbridge, MA. My husband and I are headed to Stockbridge, MA for a few days next week and I’m making sure to visit her shop. Can’t wait!


  5. Thanks for inspiring us to use our supplies for so many different purposes. It is so special to give gifts in such a nice presentation. Your gift wrap is beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love the deer themes, fits in well over here, but I think my favorite part is the stamp that says “no returns no exchanges” HA! I’m still using my suitcases and totally can’t compete with your wrapping. For bigger gift bags, I’ve been buying the TJ Maxx reusable bags, they’ve had some cute ones! Plus, I use them all the time and figure others will as well. Where Mike is “pathetique” (good one), I’m more lais-zy faire. 😉


  7. Your gift wrap is beautiful. my favorite part are the tags. I make my own, too. I use old Christmas cards. Then I add trim,buttons,etc. Would love to try the waxes. Merry Christmas!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Awesome gifts I would love to win! Although I intend to wrap my gifts ahead of time, I’m sometimes still wrapping while the grandkids are impatiently waiting to open them! lol
    Merry Christmas to you & your family!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Wow!!! You make the most beautiful packages I’ve ever seen!! While I don’t wait until Christmas Eve to wrap presents, (although I probably should have because my children were terrible about peeking!!) I have never put as much thought into them as you do!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Easy peasy. I make paper photo copies of the old photos, then use spray adhesive to stick them onto large shipping tags. I trim off the excess paper and then embellish with rubber stamps and ink.


  10. OMG – your giveaways just keep getting better! Well with the exception of the tool box – that was awesome. Love your wrapping for 2019! Thanks once again for inspiration. Now if I could squeeze some time out to follow through!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. This would be a perfect gift box for my daughter as she and her husband feed the deer corn in their backyard. They live on 5 acres on the edge of town and just love watching them.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I like to wrap early and do a theme. We use brown paper and grand kids stamp, draw, and paint. They would love this and I would too.


  13. Linda, as you know, it’s snowing today in our neck of the woods. The plus side of it is that it’s gotten me in the mood to wrap the 🎁 presents I do have and get them under the tree. Hopefully, that will motivate me to finish my list. Love today’s stencils, my favorite! 🦌 🦌 🦌

    Liked by 1 person

  14. These boxes are so pretty! I think they are a gift unto themselves. Hoping to win some Big Mamas butta. That stuff is amazing!


    1. I love it too. I’ve already gone through an entire 10 oz. of the Orange scent and just received some of the floral one so I’m looking forward to trying that one on for size.


  15. Those colored waxes look like fun.
    I like to use colored bags and bright tissue paper for gifts.
    Can’t wait to see your next furniture makeover.
    Cynthia Benson

    Liked by 1 person

  16. So because I have hidden presents so well and then could not find them for Christmas, I try to wrap once most of my shopping is done. Then I can check off my list and concentrate on what I need to do to finish. Love your creativity though!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Your wrapping paper and tags are awesome! I am a bit frugal and therefore gather up all intact gift bags on Christmas morning to save for reuse the next year. I really love your idea of decorating bags and tags and your theme each year Now that is next level crafting!
    And who me lose time down the rabbit hole of crafting? asks the woman who is painting and stenciling a tray and large wooden box, while trying to master reverse decoupage for this year’s client gifts for her husband, and also painting and glazing wood blocks to spell out JOY for her friend’s gift this year?.. lol. My table is covered in paper and paint and stencils and glue and I couldn’t be happier.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I love seeing what you’ll do with gift wrapping each year! Making the time for creative and fun gift presentations is one of the season’s joys for me, as well. Thanks for another generous give-away – would love to win!

    Liked by 1 person

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