see ya real soon.

I’m super excited to be headed off to Orlando, Florida this morning with my sister!

She and I have been going to Disney parks for 50 years!  Our first trip was to Disneyland in 1969 when I was 5 and she was 8.

We’ve lost count of how many times we’ve gone since then.  There were some decades in there when life got in the way and we weren’t able to go, and there was also a period of time when we lived in Florida so we went quite a lot.  But lately we’ve managed to get to either Disneyland or Disney World at least every other year.

Debbie’s daughter (a.k.a. my niece Kris) usually joins us …

and sometimes my mom joins us too.

but this time it’s just the two of us.

We’ve been known to behave like complete dorks while we are there.

But of course, that’s part of the fun.  Everybody gets to act like a kid in Disney World, right?

We’ll be there for nine days.  I’m sure I’ll be totally wiped out by the end.  I may act like a child, but I definitely don’t have the energy of a kid.

We’re planning to adopt a more leisurely pace than usual though (we’ll just see if we can stick with that plan).

So, I’ll be back a week from Saturday and in the meantime I’ll be taking a break from the blog.  So try not to miss me, and I’ll see ya real soon!

28 thoughts on “see ya real soon.

  1. Haha – the Mickey Mouse Club/Mouseketeer theme song was going through my head just the other day.
    “M-I-C, See you real soon…”


  2. Oh gosh! I wish I was going with you! I was there about 50 years ago when my kids were small. I loved it . Have a great time!


  3. Great time to visit Wally World! Kid free ! This time of the year !
    We thought “it’s a Small World After All “ hasn’t changed since the 70s when We visited! I loved Universal & so did our grandkids ! Safe journey!


    1. I’m pretty sure that It’s a Small World has not changed one bit. We took a really awesome tour (will share more on that in a post) and our guide explained that when the ride was being constructed they ordered bolts and bolts of the various fabrics that were used on the dolls. They are still using that same original fabric to make new outfits for them when they need it.


  4. Safe travels and enjoy your trip! My hubby & I are also big fans of Disney Parks! We just went to Disneyland 2 weeks ago to experience Star War’s Galaxy’s Edge and it was amazing!
    Thank you for your blogs, I just love them.


    1. Fun! Disneyland’s Magic Kingdom is still our favorite of all the parks. The only downside is how small it it, which means when it’s crowded you can barely even move in there. Still, there is just something about it!


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