a winter wonderland.

Good news!  The q is for quandie IT department (ie. Mr. Q) came through with flying colors.  When I got home from the day job on Friday he had a new computer all set up and ready to go for me.

I’m up and running with no need for a stiff drink.  I took a quick hour or two on Saturday morning to give all of my functions a test drive.  Since we basically woke up to a winter wonderland here in the Twin Cities with another 5″ or so of fresh snow, it was a great opportunity to take some photos and then run through my entire blogging process from start to finish (when it doesn’t involve actually painting a piece of furniture) to make sure everything was running smoothly.

As I said to Mr. Q , it was nice that it was only 4 degrees on Saturday morning because that meant the snow was really light and fluffy (which makes it easy to shovel).

And the sun just coming up lent the perfect light for taking a few photos.

Poor Cossetta, she is thigh-deep in snow these days.

I hope her feet aren’t too cold.

Looks like we won’t be grilling steaks any time soon.

I really wish I had a piece of furniture finished because it would be so fun to do an outside photo shoot in these conditions.

Remember this one?

Of course, that was a ‘before’ instead of an ‘after’.

But alas, my furniture painting has been on hold lately while I work on revamping my living room and piano room.  I’m itching to get something painted though, so I may take a break from the revamp and paint a dresser this coming weekend.  I still haven’t worked up the nerve to tackle my piano.

In the meantime, I’m just going to go get a fresh cup of coffee and enjoy this gorgeous snow.

Check back on Wednesday to hear about the final port of call on our Adriatic Cruise, Venice (ie. one of my favorite cities, but then I say that about most of the cities I’ve been to).

14 thoughts on “a winter wonderland.

  1. Postcard pretty Linda! Hip Hip Hooray
    for Mr. Q the computer guy! The blog must go on not to mention every thing else we handle online today.
    I did laugh out loud when I saw the grill. These snow pictures remind me of our sump pumps in Wisconsin. Do you have those too? It’s all gorgeous until a sudden thaw.


  2. Thank God for handsome IT guys huh? Especially fun when you are married to one. Yup, all this snow is so, so pretty…right up until the thaw, where it all has to have somewhere to go. Lol. Love it once the roads are plowed! Your house and carriage house look beautiful! Pictures are great. Dont blame you for hesitating on the piano…big project for sure…


  3. Three cheers for your wonderful IT guy! The snow is beautiful but glad it is in your neck of the woods not mine.


  4. Kudos to you for making all this snow appear glorious in your beautiful shots! This has seemed like such a long winter I hardly remember when we HAVEN’T had snow. We have also spent many a chilly minute grilling outdoors year round, until I recently bought an air-fryer…what it does for a steak or chop is completely amazing, just fyi and not to be off topic.


    1. I gave my sister an air fryer for Christmas, but as far as I know she hasn’t even cracked open the box yet. I’m going to have to get on her about that. I didn’t know you could make steaks in that thing.


  5. Your property looks like a gorgeous winter wonderland! Glad you’re enjoying it and can’t wait to see the progress on your l/r and piano. Enjoy your new computer Linda. 🙂


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