it’s beginning to look at lot like Christmas.

I know, I know.  It’s only Halloween.

But when you blog about fun craft projects for the holidays, today is far too late to blog about Halloween.  And almost even too late for autumn decorating ideas.

And then there’s the fact that I’m leaving for a cruise on the Adriatic in less than two weeks and I won’t be back home again until after Thanksgiving.

Yep, it snuck (hmmm, that’s not a real word, who knew?) up on me too.

I suddenly realized last week that I had to get all of my Christmas projects (at least the ones I want to sell at Reclaiming Beautiful) finished this past weekend.  Yikes!

So I got out my favorite stencils and some paint and I got busy.

I started with a pair of vintage sleds that I purchased at a garage sale over the summer.

Once again I totally neglected to get ‘before’ photos.  Drat.

But both of these started out with red metal runners and plain wood.  I painted just the wood parts on the first one using Dixie Belle’s Drop Cloth (that same fabulous cream color I used on Monday’s washstand).  Then I added the stencil using craft paints.  I sanded vigorously to distress and then added a topcoat of Fusion’s Clear Wax.

The second sled got painted in Dixie Belle’s Caviar.  I painted the metal runners as well as most of the wood except for that cross piece at the top.

I stenciled this one in a french stencil that says something like ‘friends and family gather here’ which seems like a good sentiment for the holidays.

It’s a little less traditionally Christmas and could be displayed all fall and winter.

I also painted a couple of drawer front signs.  These drawer fronts came from the dresser that I turned into the farmer’s market kitchen island back in July.  If you remember back, I removed the lower two drawers from that piece because one of them wasn’t in great shape.  So I saved the drawer fronts and discarded the rest knowing they would make awesome ‘signs’ using my farm fresh Christmas trees stencil.

These are also painted in Dixie Belle’s Drop Cloth and stenciled with craft paint.  One has plain wooden knobs, but the other has knobs with Prima Marketing knob transfers added.

While I had the stencil out I also added it to a cute little wooden box that my picker found for me.

And speaking of my picker, she also came through on the vintage Shiny Brites.  Remember I mentioned that I just wasn’t finding many vintage ornaments at garage sales this year?  Well Sue found a whole slew of them for me!

Last but not least, I did another painted suitcase.  I started by painting the suitcase black and white using Dixie Belle’s Caviar and Drop Cloth, and then added the stencil.

To make it more versatile I added a more summery stencil to the other side, so now it’s reversible.

I did one of these last year at Christmas too and it was a big hit.

I also pulled out some of my other vintage Christmas goodies to take into the shop today like this festive Tom & Jerry set.

So, it may be Halloween at your house, but it’s definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas at mine!

27 thoughts on “it’s beginning to look at lot like Christmas.

  1. Happy Halloween, Linda! We get no trick or treaters, plus it will rain tonight, so it’s a regular Wednesday for us. I got the Christmas Tree stencil last year because you did such fun projects with it. Guess I should start! Again, you have outdone yourself with the inspiration for holiday decor. Are you going to post some Christmas house tours for us this year? I love seeing how Minnesotans decorate, you guys love the vintage stuff as much as I do.


  2. I love the tree stencil. I think I might have to look for a sled this year to paint. But I want it to go out in front of the house, so it will need to be waterproof.


  3. Awesome pieces of fun!! Why does XMas sneak up on us so quickly. You reminded be that I need to really get busy on my stuff for the holiday too. I am also leaving on a 10 day cruise to the Caribbean in a couple of weeks. Need some sunshine before winter sets in. 😆 Love all the pieces. Great ideas ❤️


      1. Usually we go on Holland America, but this time I am going on Carnival with a friend. She is going for her grandson’s wedding. Her husband decided that he needed to stay home for business. She asked me to go to take his place. I asked my husband if I could go with her and he agreed! Woohoo! He and I have a cruise planned for February/March. So these trips will break up the long winter. I definitely am a sun person. 🌞 😎


      2. Our last two cruises were Holland America. This time we’ll be on Princess. We have done Carnival, but just once. How fun that you’re going with a friend, I’m sure you’ll have an amazing time!


  4. Love it all but I think my favorite is the
    suitcase. Very cool that you stenciled both sides for more versatility. For some reason it now reminds me of spectator shoes. Do you even know what those are? You may be too young.


  5. You are so very creative! I like everything – especially the gorgeous sleds. You have a talent for adding just the right bit of interest or twist to things. I do have to say, my favorite is the Tom and Jerry set. Adorable!


    1. Thanks Debra! I think Tom & Jerry sets were very popular in my parent’s generation. After reading {this article} from the NY Times, I’m realizing that perhaps the drink and the sets for serving it are somewhat unique to the mid-west. I see the sets all the time in thrift stores or at garage sales here in Minnesota.


    1. Thanks Paula! I see this style of sled at garage sales all the time. I’m kicking myself for not buying all that I saw last summer instead of just two. What was I thinking?!


  6. Good afternoon, where did you get the stencil for the second sled. I like it, and would like to try it. I have never stenciled before. Thank you,


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