I’ll have a blue Christmas.

This year I’m having a blue Christmas, aqua blue that is.  It’s one of my favorite colors, so why not use it for Christmas too?

My friend/co-worker/Carriage House sale partner Sue gave me this rusty aqua blue truck for my birthday last month.


It didn’t start out in my favorite color, it was originally green.  But Sue painted it and added that adorable Christmas Tree Farm sign on the door.  Keep this in mind if you ever happen to find a vintage toy truck that isn’t quite the color you want.  Just paint it.

The truck looks adorable filled with vintage aqua and white Christmas light bulbs.


My friend/co-worker Jodie gave me this authentically aqua rusty toolbox …


It’s the perfect color to house my vintage aqua ornaments.


My friend/co-worker Cathy gave me this charming trio of tiny glasses.


Aren’t they sweet filled with tiny Christmas ornaments?

I put together this ombre box of shiny brites myself …


As far as I know, Shiny Brite didn’t make an ombre box of ornaments, but maybe they should have!

I couldn’t leave out my other rusty aqua truck, so I added some seasonal cargo to the truck bed.


The sprinkling of snow adds the perfect touch.


 We’ve had some very gloomy days this past couple of weeks, but I’m hoping to see just a little hint of sunshine this weekend so that I can get some photos of my house decked out for the season.

I’ve also got another house tour planned for the coming weeks.  My fellow Reclaiming Beautiful vendor, Amy, is graciously welcoming me into her home this Sunday for a photo tour.  I hear that she really does it up for Christmas, so I’m definitely looking forward to seeing her place and then sharing it with you here on the blog.  So be sure to stay tuned next week!

21 thoughts on “I’ll have a blue Christmas.

  1. That truck is just adorable. Love the color and the Christmas Tree sign your friend painted on there for you. What a treasured gift. Happy Holidays.


  2. Your friends sure know your style, great gifts! I love the aqua Christmas, especially the Christmas Tree Farm truck 😉 Cannot wait to see Amy’s house!


  3. Aqua is my fav color as well. I wouldn’t have thought to paint a vintage truck!! So going to be looking for one to paint!! Love all you do…Merry Christmas!!


  4. The coworkers did really well! Sue did a great job on the truck…who else would have thought to paint a truck AND add signage? The other gifts were perfect as well and look so festive with the ornaments. … Looks like you had a great birthday with people who know you well enough to give you rust!


  5. I’ve found that paint and duct tape are the two indispensable items in my life. What one won’t fix, the other will. And the most heartwarming is combining the two. Brings a tear to my eye. Sniff….talk amongst yourselves…


  6. Love Love Love all the Aqua, that is my favorite color! The trucks are so adorable I want them! Merry Merry Aqua Blue Christmas to you & your family!


  7. It is all so charming! Every single vignette. How clever to do a box full of ombre shiny brites. Love the vintage truck Sue painted and she painted the Christmas tree farm sign? Really? Filling it with the bulbs though perfect touch. The toolbox full of ornaments just makes me smile. The little glasses with the band of aqua are absolutely sweet. I kinda think you should treat us with a walk thru of your cottage. Have not been over to Reclaiming Beautiful blog recently. I think I will treat myself today and go browse with a cup of cocoa. Looking for to the next installment. Merry, merry!


    1. Well, I didn’t mean to imply that Sue painted the tree farm sign. I suspect she printed it on paper, and then adhered it to the truck. So easy, anyone can copy that idea! And you must be sort of psychic Victoria, because I am planning a Christmas tour in the next week or so. I’m afraid I’ve dropped the ball a little on the Reclaiming Beautiful blog, but I should have a post on there soon as well!


  8. Bulbs in the truck! Given a million years, I would probably not thought of that. We have a box of monster bulbs (from Hubby’s parents some 30 yrs ago) somewhere in the attic. Dead? NO! I feel they’re going to be reincarnated, thanks to your amazing creativity. I don’t have an antique truck, but I’ll think of something……Thank you.


  9. Hey, I love the old trucks and tool box!! I have a truck but not a cool color! I also have several old tool boxes. Lol Not much that I don’t collect 😄


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