measuring success, and a blogiversary giveaway.

It was three years ago today that I started this blog.  Wowza.  Time flies!  I can’t believe it has been three years already.


It seems like an anniversary is always a good time to evaluate where you are and where you want to go.


A good time to stop and wonder, why do I do this?  And am I successful at it?

Success is defined as:

  • the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
  • the attainment of popularity or profit.
  • a person or thing that achieves desired aims or attains prosperity.


When I began my blog the goal was to use it to sell my painted furniture.  As it turns out, that has been hit or miss.  While I do occasionally sell a piece to a reader, those sales are not the norm.  Most of my pieces end up being sold on Craigslist.  So I can’t say that I have really achieved that goal.


I’ve read that on average it takes 8 to 10 hours to write a blog post.  That includes writing the post as well as taking & editing photos for the post.  And it also includes the time invested in the project itself whether it be painting a piece of furniture or decorating a room for the holidays.  That sounds about right to me.

I usually post about 3 times a week.  That translates to 24 to 30 hours per week.  Holy cow.  Do I really spend that much time on it?  I think I might.  If you count the time spent painting furniture.  But the thing is, I’d be painting furniture anyway so even if I wasn’t writing a blog I’d still be spending a significant amount of time on that.  The time I spend just writing the blog is more like 6 – 8 hours per week.


Earlier this week I came across an article about how to drive more traffic to your blog.  I got about halfway through the article and then I just grew bored and stopped reading it.  I realized I didn’t want the goal of my blog to be gaining more followers.  I don’t want to tailor the content of my posts for the sole purpose of attracting a wider audience.

So, if I’m not meeting my original goal of selling furniture via the blog and I’m not particularly motivated to ‘attain popularity’ in the form of more followers, why do I spend that much time on this?


Well, the answer is simple.  I really enjoy the process.

This is not a job for me.  It’s a pleasant pastime.


Every now and then I have to stop and remind myself that it doesn’t matter how many followers I have, or how many ‘views’ my blog gets every day.  I have to resist the accountant side of my brain that wants to crunch the numbers.

I am not going to measure the success of my blog by the numbers.  I’m going to measure my success by whether or not I am having fun with it because that is why I do it.


That being said, an anniversary is also a good excuse to host a giveaway to express how much I do appreciate my readers, even if I’m not counting you to measure my success.  Especially those of you who take the time to leave comments and let me know that you are out there.  Getting comments is one of the things that makes blogging fun for me, so please keep them coming.

I’m going to give away two gifts today.  The first is already spoken for and is going to Victoria.  Victoria and I have never met.  She lives down south, while I am up north.  Victoria found my blog back in December of 2013, so only one month after I started blogging.  Since then she has left me 557 comments making her far and away the most prolific ‘commenter’ (not a real word, I know) on my blog!  And I have appreciated each and every one of those comments.  Thank you for all of your kinds words of encouragement Victoria!  I hope you enjoy your gift, it will be on its way to you soon.

For the 2nd prize, I will draw a name at random from any comments left on this post by Friday, December 2 at midnight.  There are no special requirements, you don’t have to follow me or click on a link to something; you just have to leave a comment.  I hope you’ll take a moment to do so.  Here’s what you’ll get (MMS milk paint in Schloss, a tiny green vintage floral frog with a Christmas greeting, a set of vintage cookie cutters, the latest issue of Flea Market Style and the Winter 2016 issue of Flea Market Decor).


Flea Market Style has a great article about re-purposing vintage cookie cutters …


So when I saw this Christmas-y set at a local shop I knew I had to grab them and throw them in.

I hope you’ll continue to read my blog and leave the occasional comment or two down the road just to encourage me.  Here’s to another year!  And don’t forget to leave a comment for your chance to win!

208 thoughts on “measuring success, and a blogiversary giveaway.

  1. While I rarely comment, I faithfully read every post and appreciate the time you put into each one. Thanks for entertaining me 3x a week. 🙂


  2. Linda, congratulations on 3 years! I LOVE your blog, it is the one I can relate the most to and I must say, you have overwhelmingly inspired me with each post. I don’t always comment, but I should – I forget that knowing someone is reading is an inspiration to keep writing. Thank goodness you do like blogging, I’d be very sad if you stopped! Your decorating style is fabulous and the photography is amazing. Being a ‘blue’ person I love that you use that color a lot. I also follow the Reclaiming Beautiful blog even though I don’t live in your part of the woods because you also shine in that blog. Just a heartfelt THANKS for blogging.


    1. Thank you so much for saying this Laura! It’s truly comments like yours that keep me motivated to keep posting! Also, I’m glad you like blue, because I’m planning a ‘blue Christmas’ post soon … well, maybe more of an aqua Christmas … so stay tuned!


  3. About this reader: I don’t craft or make things look beautiful. A weird fact, this is the ONLY blog I am subscribed to and if you asked my interests this would not be one of them. So why do I read this blog as I stumble around the bathroom before work.. it’s interesting, love the pictures, I have learned some things and it’s relaxing. Thank you and don’t stop 😉


    1. You comment totally brought a huge smile to my face Tory. I think it’s the ultimate compliment to know that I appeal to a reader who isn’t even all that interested in my subject matter 😉 Keep reading as you stumble around the bathroom!


  4. I can appreciate your reason for the blog…enjoying the process. That’s the best reason. Thank you for your blog. I truly enjoy reading and learning from you.


  5. Congratulations on 3 years! Your blog is a favorite of mine. I think readers can feel when you post for the joy of it. It comes across and is very inspiring. You’ve definitely motivated me! Commenting and winning a giveaway led me to a new friendship which is the real gift. People connect through common interests, and Q is a space to do that. Thanks for keeping on!


    1. Thanks so much Paris! I enjoy seeing all of the delicious dishes you cook on Facebook. One of these days I’m going to knock on your door and ask if you have any left 😉


  6. Like the comment above, I read faithfully but rarely comment (I know now to do so). I enjoy it for the inspiration b/c I’m at a time in my life that I can create as much as I’d like to with 2 little ones so I live a little vicariously through your blog. I love and so look forward to your occasional sale too. Blog on and thank you for your creative efforts and time.


    1. I’m betting that you meant to say ‘can’t create as much as’ you’d like. With 2 little ones running around, I imagine it is very hard to find the time. So I’m happy to be providing ‘vicarious crafting’ for you 😉


  7. Me, too! I love your blog, and since I live in Como Park I feel like we’re neighbors. You do great work and you write well, Neighbor! Keep having fun with it – the measure of a life well spent!


    1. Hey, I’m going to be in your ‘hood today. My sister, niece, hubby and I are heading over to the Conservatory and Zoo this afternoon. It’s such a lovely neighborhood, lucky you that you live there!


  8. Hi – your Mom and I have great taste – but she has the pleasure of being your Mom – one of these days I am going to paint smething like you do and get this – “I am going to love it” Your blog is a joy to read and the work you put into it is remarkable – never loose your sandpaper for those scratchy edges – love from Betty in Ontario, Canada.


    1. I always get a kick out of each of your comments Betty! If you win the giveaway you are going to have to bust out your paintbrush and give the chippy look a try 😉


  9. Hi Linda, sorry to say that I almost never comment, just because I don’t want to sound like a broken record. I absolutely love your blog and every one of your artistic photos and creative writing. I look forward to seeing that “q is for quandie” come across my email several times a week, you are so inspirational! So, thank you for sharing all your wonderful ideas , they always make me smile.🙂 So, keep up the good work and don’t ever stop.


    1. Woops, your comment went into my spam queue somehow. But I found you there and dug you out Kim! Yes, I can see where you don’t want to sound like a broken record, ha 😉 But that would be OK with me. Thanks again for letting me feature your lovely home last summer. I have another featured home coming up soon for Christmas that I bet you’ll enjoy too. Stay tuned!


  10. Is this a not too subtle hint to me that I should set aside the day and post 557+ comments here to insure my place in the Hall of Fame? Too exhausted from Black Friday so this single comment will have to do. While I subscribe to several blogs, yours is the only one I open immediately when it comes in email. And between you and me, I pared down my subscriptions recently so you made the cut!


  11. I’m so glad my friend Kathy D. Introduced me to your blog! I love your skills and projects. And I love that you taught Kathy how to use Fusion paint and make hat boxes as I have been the lucky recipient of some of her projects. 😃


  12. I have only one blog I follow because I am new to the process and I love your seasonal sales so much. Thank you for sharing, isn’t that what our Mother’s told us to do! Sharon


  13. Happy anniversary! I have followed you for 2 1/2 years now and enjoy every topic. I repost some of your furniture or garden posts when it pertains to our paint lines.
    I enjoy my coffee while I read your latest adventure and somehow I feel I know you through your writings.
    I will see you the next time you pop into my mail! till then….


  14. I really enjoy your blog!
    I look forward to checking my email to see if you have blogged that day!
    Please continue doing what you do!!!


  15. Hi! I’ve only left a few comments on your blog, but want you to know how excited I get when I recieve an email notifying me that you’ve posted something new! I don’t believe we should measure our success by the actual definition of it, but by exactly what you said. Doing something that makes you happy and brings you joy is much more successful than worrying about how many followers or likes you are getting. A lot of these bloggers have gone in that direction. Thank you for keeping it real, I love you’re work and reading your posts always put a smile on my face! 😉.


  16. I love your blog because you are local, so I can find the shops or sales or your products. I love that we’re always in the same season for gardening and I love that you shared your garden plants with me and was able to meet you.


  17. P.S.
    I just wanted to let you know that even though I am newer to your blog…I have spent considerable time with great pleasure going through all of your archives to catch up!!!


    1. I always think that’s one of the fun things about finding a blog that has been around awhile, but is new to me. You get to go back 2 or 3 years and catch up with lots and lots of stuff.


  18. I love to read and watch things that entertain while filling your head with history, idea’s and places we may want to go. I rate you right up there with American Pickers, FleaMarket Flip and Pawn Stars. Congrats on 3 years. PS Lucky me, I’m not far and look forward to your sales. Keep doing what you love.


    1. I think you sound like my perfect reader. I sometimes feel like I post a mish-mash of stuff between my travels and odd bits of Minnesota info combined with gardening and painting stuff. It’s awesome to know that people enjoy that stuff! Thanks Andrea!


  19. Your blog is a must-read when it appears in my email. I enjoy the easy flow, the gorgeous pics, and the thought-provoking content. I read other blogs but the ad content frustrates me so I am always grateful to read your articles. Perhaps you could sell your pieces to magazines as a way to create income but keep your blog format? How I would love to join you on your treasure hunts with your sister or come to your annual sale!


    1. I’m not a fan of the ads either. But I get it that a lot of bloggers need to find a way to make an income from their blogs and for some ads are the only way to do that. I plan to keep q is for quandie relatively ad free (aside from the ads that are at the bottom of each post since this is a free WordPress blog).


  20. I enjoy your blog so much! I look forward to waking up in the morning, when the house is still and quiet, cup of coffee in hand, and I open your blog. I savor each one of them. You are so talented. I love reading about the places you have been, the things that you have done, and seeing the beautiful things that you have created. I am learning new things from your blogs all the time. I have been a nurse for over 30 years, but I have always had a creative side. I love to craft, repurpose furniture, quilt, garden and bake. I have recently retired and have been able to tap into, once again, my creative side. Because of you and your blog, I started painting with milk paint! I love it! You have inspired me to push myself to try new things. I recently was involved in a weekend show and rented a booth. I sold everything but one item. This encouraged me to try again and will sign up for the Spring show as well. My head is swimming with ideas. So thank you for choosing to continue blogging. I appreciate you, your creativity, and taking the time to share that with all of us. You are so awesome!


    1. Thanks so much for sharing that Monica! I’m so happy that you had great success from your first weekend show, that’s fantastic! I hope I can keep inspiring you with new ideas down the road.


  21. I love your blog and your work Linda, and I think your assessment is spot on–do the work because you love it and refreshes you! From someone who spent some time “chasing the page views,” I agree that can be a dangerous trap that can quickly zap joy and creativity. Thank you for painting your beautiful pieces and sharing your work with us. I always enjoy when one of your posts shows up in my inbox 🙂


  22. When I try to explain to family, friends and clients what it is that I do and why I do it, I can never put to words the pulse of my gist. You said what I feel P E R F E C T L Y. Thank you. I am not a plagerizer so I will just have to force them to read your post. Besides being a “Q” person (me, Rundquist), I like you for your meandering journey. You may be on a similar path as other furniture painters, but surely yours always presents fully cinematic and with a plot. Other posters have said they read you first. I save you for last. I “get through” the others and savour and re-read bits, and copy photos to “study again”. Be well and thrive. Thankful for your gifts.


    1. Thank you so much for that very lovely comment! By the way, I’m not sure I’ve ever mentioned on the blog what my middle initial Q really stands for, or have I? Quandie is just the joke, it really stands for Quist. So … we may have more in common that you thought 😉


  23. Congratulations on your blog milestone, Linda! I started out for my vintage business, too…but even after I retired from that…I realized it was always about the enjoyment I get from blogging. Sharing what you are doing, meeting friends, and the creative process is fun! Great giveaway!


  24. Ok Q, you had me afraid for a moment. My first thought was…oh no she is quitting her blog! Whew, so glad you are not quitting! I look forward to your posts and seeing your amazing transformations! I also like to see what Ken does as well! You are a great blogger, and a furniture whisperer! Keep up the great work!


    1. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. The article on the cookie cutters in the magazine has several great ideas for them. I hope whoever wins them has some fun with them.


  25. I have to agree… blogging is time consuming! But it is nice to chat with other painters around the world and make “friends”! I always look forward to your posts and have always admired your work! Happy blog-iversary!


  26. I found your blog only a few months ago. It’s one of the few I have actually signed up for and I always look forward to the post emails. I also love that you are a real person and answer your comments! Happy Holidays!


    1. I’m real alright 😉 I know there are lots of bloggers out there that don’t answer very many comments. I often wonder why that is. Of course, some bloggers get 40 or 50 (or more) comments on every single post they write, and it would be a little time consuming to always respond to all of them. Also, some bloggers respond to comments via email rather than posting their responses for everyone to see. That’s a nice personal approach, but I like to share the responses with everyone. To me that makes it feel more like a conversation at a party where anyone can chime in, rather than just a one on one conversation. Also I often think that if one person takes the time to post a question, there are likely 20 more people who are wondering the same thing so it’s worthwhile to post the response for everyone to see.


  27. I love that you are having years of success. I have been thinking about trying it for myself. I feel as if I’m on a journey and it would be a great way to see where I end up. So glad that you are happy and successful doing what you love.


  28. Your blog is one of my favorites! I’m guilty of never leaving a comment: I guess I need to change that! Anyway, I love the painting you do!


    1. Thanks so much Cyndi! I’m happy to ‘meet’ you and get a first time comment from you. Feel free to pop off a quick comment every now and then. I’m sure you must have some opinions you’d like to share every once in a while.


  29. Happy Anniversary! Your blog is one I actually look forward to. I enjoy your furniture very much but I think I like your talent in styling the pieces just as much. All your vintage touches are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing that with all of us.


    1. You’re welcome Becky. I do have fun finding vintage stuff to use when styling my furniture, at least it’s a good excuse to have piles of vintage goodies on hand 😉


  30. I have given the name of your blog to many people that love painted furniture. I do so because I think that your blog is the best I have read (and I read lots of blogs)! Your painted pieces are beautifully executed and it is great that you share techniques and products. Your staging for photography is thoughtful and unique. Your writing is whimsical and your blog has the flair of a fun creative adventure. Congratulations on 3 years of blogging and DIY stotytelling!


    1. Thank you so much Ellen! I often feel like I fall short of the mark and that other blogs are so much more ‘professional’ than mine, so I am very flattered to have someone consider me one of ‘the best’.


  31. I love your blog and always read it first when I see it popup in my email.
    I would definitely purchase a piece of furniture off you as I love your style……but alas I live in Australia so geographically it’s not possible! I paint furniture too and I find your blog inspirational.


    1. Woo hoo, you’re way down under. Yeah, it would be a bit of a road trip to come all the way to Minnesota, U.S.A. for a piece of furniture. But I do think it’s so cool that we can connect with people so far away via a blog.


  32. I really enjoy your blog.
    One of my favorites.
    It is real and easy to relate to.
    I also paint furniture and love
    your work and your styling of
    the furniture.
    Thanks for blogging.


  33. So happy you will continue to blog!! Your blog is my ABSOLUTE favorite!! I can’t wait for your blog posts!! You are so talented but yet so humble and kind with a splash of humor thrown in…keep the posts coming. Happy happy blog anniversary!!


  34. Happy Anniversary. I sit in front of a computer during the day and sometimes the last thing I want to do at night is sit in front of another, but your blog is a joy to me and the most anticipated e-mail that I get during the week. There are 2 reasons for that; One, you are a very talented artist and have a fabulous eye and two, you are in Stillwater or close by there and I am in Lakeville, so I can related to your locale / weather. Again, I can’t tell you how much I enjoy your blog. It is a joy. Thank you.


    1. I sit in front of a computer all day too (as an accountant at my day job) and because of that I really hesitated when starting the blog. I just couldn’t imagine wanting to come home from a day of computing to do more computing. But I’ve found that it’s really two different things. The blogging is so creative, while ‘creative accounting’ on the other hand is always frowned upon 😉


  35. I’m not sure when I discovered your blog ….I felt such a kinship because of two silly things. 1 I thought you were close to me in Oklahoma (wrong! 😊) 2. My bedroom floors are painted just like your shop. Gray and off white !
    But I truly enjoy reading each post.
    I don’t comment as often as I would like . I’m gone quite a bit with out good internet! Anyway I’m thankful you enjoy writing your blog because I enjoy reading it! Happy Thanksgiving!


    1. So funny that you thought I was in Oklahoma. I had another reader who once thought for sure that I was in Florida! How do you like the painted floors in your bedroom? I’ve been debating painting mine for some time now, but I find that my other painted floors have not held up very well.


  36. Happy Anniversary, I really enjoy your posts, and your furniture renovations! I dabble in furniture painting and find inspiration here, great job and please keep posting.



  37. Congratulations! Don’t ever change what you are doing, because what your doing works just fine as it is. Wonderful photos and witty writing. I enjoy each and every post even if I don’t always comment. Keep on keeping on!


  38. Linda, I don’t paint and I certainly am not as talented or creative as you are, but a girl can dream right? And that, Madam, is why I look forward to your blog! Happy three years!


  39. I remember the day I found your blog for the first time it was near the Christmas holidays all my kids had left to return to their respective homes. I sat down to relax and was blog hopping and there you were. It was like whoa this girl is so talented and not just at resurrecting furniture and repurposing other finds and styling those things. You have such a clear voice on the page. It’s kinda like those realtor billboards or newspaper ads that you see the face so often that should you actually meet person you feel like you know them. And not only do you “know” them but hey you really like them. So for me it’s like oh there’s Linda – when new posts comes thru my email and I just cannot wait to see what you’ve been up to. It has been such a pleasure. Good grief – I had no idea I had been so verbose. 😬


    1. Just keep those comments coming Victoria! I always know I can count on you to leave a comment, and on the rare occasion that I don’t get one I wonder what’s wrong. Then I tell myself that you are probably just busy, or out of town. And I’m usually right 😉


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