the naturalist box no. 5.

Sometimes a particular formula just works, and you can’t help but repeat it.

And that’s what I’ve done today with this wooden box.

My friend opK found this box at a garage sale and passed it on to me.

After cleaning it and giving it a good scuff sanding, I painted it with two coats of Dixie Belle’s Sawmill Gravy.

Then I applied a couple of floral transfers from I.O.D.’s Brocante set up the front and over the top.

I finished it off with ‘The Naturalist’s Library’ wording from their Label Ephemera transfer.

If it all feels rather familiar, that’s because I’ve done some very similar boxes before.

Like this one from January 2023.

And this one from May 2022.

In fact, this is the 5th time I’ve used this wording on a toolbox, whether wooden or metal.  I guess it’s fair to say that I really like it.

This box is set up in what I’m calling the ‘science-y’ section at our upcoming occasional sale.  If you’re into the dark academia look, this might be the spot for you.  You’ll recognize some of the items in that section, like my faux apothecary bottles (price:  $5 each).

and the foundry scoop (price:  $12).

You may also recognize my painted books (price:  $12 for this set of 3).

The really cool beaker came from cleaning out a cupboard at nnK’s house (price:  $10).

My sale partner, Sue, brought over a handful of those folding rulers, and they are only $3 each!

If you need some old paintbrushes, you can get a jar with 3 of them for $12.

Sue also brought over this cool old Rx record file box (price:  $10).

It pairs nicely with my 1927 Hayes Druggist Directory book ($5).

Once again, I apologize for any confusion caused by our rescheduling of the sale.

But I promise it will be worth the wait!

One thought on “the naturalist box no. 5.

  1. Your prices are great and it looks like a wonderful sale!! That would be a dream to stumble across a sale like that here in NW IN!!


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