from tasteful to tacky.

Good morning from the garden.

When it comes to garden ornaments, do you ever ask yourself ‘how much is too much’?

We’ve all seen them, those yards that have more garden ornaments than actual living plants.

At what point do you cross the line from tasteful into tacky?

When I brought my statue home from a garage sale (yes, I purchased her at a garage sale), I was a little worried that might be the moment when I crossed that line.  But I think she works because I have her tucked in among plants that get nearly as tall as she is.

But even without the plants, in winter she looks quite lovely too I think.

Well … maybe that’s not a good example, lol.  She is half buried in snow.

I do have another smaller concrete ‘statue’, this one is of St. Francis and he is watching over the remains of our two dogs, Buck & Sasha (we’ve buried their ashes at his feet).

I also have quite a few metal obelisks scattered about my garden.

Nearly all of them have also come from garage sales.  Whenever I see one at a sale, I grab it.  I think I might be getting close to the metal obelisk saturation point now.

But will you just indulge me for a moment while I admire that clematis once more?

It is absolutely stunning right now.  I just can’t get over what a little fertilizer will do.

I only have one arbor in the garden.

And that’s probably plenty for my space.  The bell shaped flowers on the Roguchi clematis on the right are just starting to open.

I do also have two fountains.  The larger one was purchased at a garden center …

But the smaller one is from a garage sale.

It does have a repaired crack in it, so I have to add more water about every other day.  But the hostas, irises, astilbe and hydrangea planted near it are all fans of moist conditions so they don’t mind having a leaky fountain nearby.

I’m pretty sure that two fountains is the maximum allowance for a yard the size of mine.

I have two pieces of iron furniture tucked into the garden.

They also provide some good winter interest too.

Then there is my buddha and my Japanese lantern (free at the curb), both of which have been given a paint job using Dixie Belle’s Bronze patina paint.

I also have a couple of concrete bunnies scattered about.

At this point they feel a bit like an invitation for the real bunnies.

I definitely have one living under my deck and she comes out every evening to eat the clover in my lawn, and for that reason we are now calling her ‘Clover’.  I’m willing to put up with her as long as she sticks to the clover and doesn’t start going for the hostas!

And I can’t forget to mention my concrete gargoyle.

Fortunately I don’t have any real gargoyles living under the deck.

I have to admit, I also have three vintage iron bed headboards in my garden.  That might sound like a lot, but two of them are barely even visible.

The most visible one is beside the potting shed and I keep trying to grow a clematis on it.  I’ve had little success so far, possible because I suspect this spot was a former sandbox (the potting shed was a playhouse when we moved in), the soil here is really sandy and doesn’t retain much moisture.

I also have a brass headboard out back in the cutting garden, although once the peonies are at full height you can’t even see it.  And then I have one that helps support the Annabelle hydrangea under the kitchen window, although you can barely see it under there either.

Then there are the vintage watering cans.

There are definitely a few of those scattered about.

After seeing this listing of garden decor, you will probably doubt the veracity of my next claim, but I have been working on editing the number of ornaments in my garden.  I’m definitely getting too close to having too many things.  I’ll be parting with a couple of vintage watering cans at my upcoming sale along with a few other garden items.

I’m planning to sell the concrete basket toting dog that I purchased at the Bryn Mawr garage sales, even though I think he’s totally adorable.  I did think about keeping him, but then I might be crossing that line from tasteful to tacky.

The rusty St. Francis has to go as well.

As well as this planter that I rustied up recently.

I’ve also got another larger planter that I used the Dixie Belle Patina Paint on.

Fingers crossed that they all sell so that I don’t have to be tempted to add them to my own garden anymore!

How about you, are you a fan of garden ornaments?  Do you worry about crossing that line from tasteful to tacky?  Leave a comment and let me know.

13 thoughts on “from tasteful to tacky.

  1. Your gardens are lovely and I don’t think you have over done the garden ornaments. I have to remember to fertilize my clematis in the spring as it seems to have worked nicely for your plants. Sure wish I lived close enough to come to your sale. I am sure it will be hugely successful.


  2. I think your garden is fun and tasteful! I would be ok with saying goodbye to everything you mentioned except St. Francis! He looks awesome. I could easily say goodbye to the Buddha though! Good luck with your sale!!


  3. I really love the addition of garden ornaments when done well. I have many in my own garden that are worked into the design as yours are. That looks so much better to me than just “plunked” down here and there with no thought of style. Some items you barely see when the garden is in full glory but that is the charm of it. I will continue to pick up interesting items as long as I can work them in or make them functional. Your gardens look fantastic.


  4. You have a beautiful garden. The plants balance the yard art very well. You have selected nice tasteful pieces that look very natural. Thanks for the inspiration.


  5. A few days ago my nextdoor neighbor had a white iron bedstead leaning against her fence. She has a “vintage things” shop. I immediately texted her to ask if she had plans for the bed. Unfortunately she was going to use it to display vintage textiles. Sigh, I will have to keep looking.


  6. I love your yard/garden! Whenever I’ve been to one of your sales, we always comment how cute it is! Do you know when you’re having a sale? Would love to come to it!



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