lowry hill & east isles.

It has been a weird summer, right?  No pool days at my bff’s (she lives in an apartment complex that didn’t allow residents to invite guests to the pool this summer due to COVID).  No concerts in the bandshell at my local park.  No trips to the zoo.  No state fair. But I think the biggest change for me this summer was no neighborhood garage sales.

Usually my calendar is filled with neighborhood sales from early May through the end of June, and then again for most of August and September.

But COVID put an end to large gatherings this summer, and that meant most neighborhoods didn’t have their organized sales.

Sure, I found a few random sales, like the back to back barn sales we stumbled across back at the end of May.

But I’ve really missed my neighborhood sales, especially those in Minneapolis.  My sister and I just love going to those neighborhoods and having an excuse to wander around and admire the houses.

So when my picker first mentioned to me that the East Isles & Lowry Hill sales were taking place this past Saturday I was super excited.  But then the temperature took a nose dive and rain was in the forecast for Saturday morning.  I have to admit, I was ready to just skip it.  But my sister was more than willing to give it a go and her enthusiasm was contagious.  So she picked me up at 8:30 and we headed out.

As we were driving in to the city, there were low hanging clouds obscuring the tops of the high rise buildings, but it wasn’t raining so that was a plus.  As we headed towards the Hennepin Ave exit, my sister and I both remarked on how much we’ve missed going in to the city this year.  Between COVID and social unrest, this has been a rough summer for Minneapolis and we have pretty much avoided going there.

But it felt so good to be back, even if the sky was a bit cloudy.

There were plenty of people out and about enjoying the sales, the only obvious difference this time was that almost all of them were wearing masks.

Once again my sister and I had fun picking out our favorite houses, you know, the ones we would buy if we won the lottery.

I love the cottage appeal of this one.

My sister would love to have the amazing lake views from this one.

But, the reality is that neither of us is likely to ever win the lottery (especially me since I don’t even buy lottery tickets), so we just have to admire these gorgeous houses from the sidewalk and then buy their cast off items at their garage sales.

I came home from the sales with a few goodies.

There seems to be a seating theme.

All four of the wooden options (firehouse captains chair, bench, piano stool and small oak chair) are going to be transformed with paint.  I’ve already cleaned up the kid-size white metal chair and added a little something to the back …

How cute is that?  And it would work inside the house, or outside in the garden.

I’ll be taking this in to Reclaiming Beautiful, unless one of you locals want to snatch it up first ($28).

I’m starting to think ahead to Christmas (I know, it’s too early, but I have to plan ahead if I’m going to have things ready).  The smaller wooden chair is probably going to get a Christmas look similar to the chairs I did last year …

I also purchased this brass horn …

with the intention of adding it to the pile of similar pieces I purchased last year and used to decorate my Christmas tree.

And isn’t this tiny wooden sock stretcher totally adorable?

I’m trying to decide whether or not to paint and stencil it like the larger ones I did last year …

Coincidentally I just ordered some mini-stencils that would be perfect for the job.

Buying the footed ironstone bowl was a no brainer.

It’s the perfect size to use for fruit on my kitchen counter.

I also snagged a few old buckets, two enameled and one galvanized.

I’m not sure if these will be saved for next spring to be marketed as planters, or if I’ll come up with something for the holiday season.  They would be great for containing small evergreen trees like this example from pinterest, wouldn’t they?

So maybe they’ll make their way into the shop before the holidays.

I’ve saved find of the day status for a pair of light fixtures (just one of them is pictured below, but there is another).

The funny thing is that I almost didn’t even buy them.  Reclaiming Beautiful recently decided to no longer carry vintage electrical fixtures, so even though I thought these fixtures were too good to pass up at $5 each, I knew I wouldn’t really have a way to sell them on.  I was literally getting back in the car when I decided I just couldn’t leave them behind.  So I went back and purchased them.

I think I’ll keep them for my three season porch.  We need some reading lights out there and these will be perfect.  I’m also contemplating making over my home office (a.k.a. the Q Branch) this winter, and these lights might be perfect for the look I’m envisioning for that space.

Unfortunately, I think this might be my one and only neighborhood garage sale post for 2020.  Next weekend I’m heading up to my bff’s family cabin, and then the next thing you know, it will be the end of September already.  Let’s hope that the 2021 garage sale season is back to normal … or at least the ‘new normal’ that everyone keeps talking about!

23 thoughts on “lowry hill & east isles.

  1. Great finds. I agree the reading lamps are the find of the day. But the other pieces are pretty wonderful, too. Lots of new projects and a chance to let your creative brain get busy. I miss the sales, too. I’ve been to a few estate sales but my shop is open all weekend so I am not able to go to many. Thanks for sharing the trip with us.


  2. Oh those lamps are gorgeous !!!!!!! But I get the issue with liability for a store.
    If you ever want to sell them… I’m in the line.


  3. I don’t think I’ve been to any sales this year😩 if you decide not to keep those light fixtures, I WILL BUY THEM FROM YOU!!!!!😊😂


  4. I miss the garage sales too! :0 We’ve gone to a few, but not nearly like we usually do, and I haven’t found anything wonderful. Even my favorite junk store hasn’t had nearly as many thrilling items. Hopefully next year will get back to normal!! I decided it was time to start working on the furniture pieces I’ve got stashed in the garage. I started on a very old cedar chest yesterday! Wish me luck! It has veneer damage so it is slow going. Can’t wait to see what you do with your new finds!


  5. Those lights are wonderful! I am glad you went back for them! What a steal! We went to a great auction Saturday, an estate auction. The folks were big time collectors of several things. It was so nice out, but there were yellow jacket bees everywhere! I got stung and now my arm is huge and miserable, but it was worth it! LOL I was happy most had masks on, even outside. Glad you were able to get out.


  6. I so enjoyed your post and have also have missed estate/garage sales.Your haul was a good one and I admit I held my breath when I saw the lights. They are fantastic and I cant wait to see how you work them into your home.


  7. OH MY GOD THOSE LIGHTS. I can’t believe you almost left them. Like Amy, I’m also in line if you don’t want them! I saw quite a few sales advertised this weekend although I wasn’t able to stop. Definitely having FOMO! 😉


  8. Hey Miss Quandie! I really have missed seeing your garage sale hauls…….it’s always so fun to see the treasure that’s out there in “normal” America! I’ve decided that there are two words that epitomize the vast gulf between what I can find at a neighborhood sale and what you can find at one: SOCK STRETCHER! Yep……just one of the many reasons that I love your blog so much (-: (-: (-:


    1. LOL … I do seem to find a plethora of sock stretchers! Maybe because people needed lots of wool socks to keep their tootsies warm during those long Minnesota winters 😉


  9. Love, love, love the reading light. Exactly what I’m search for to go between two windows over the daybed in my guest room for when it becomes a king for guests. Lucky you!!!


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