any ironstone fans out there?

Any ironstone fans out there?

‘Cuz we’ve got some at the Carriage House Sale.

We have more than a dozen pitchers ranging in size from small to medium (sorry, no really large ones).

And ranging in price from $3 to $12.

We’ve got some gravy boats for a mere $4 each.

We’ve also got some chamber pots for $15 each.

We also have a whole bunch of these little guys …

Were they originally used for syrup?  I’m not sure, but they seem the right size for that.

But personally, I like the idea of displaying them en masse in a bowl.

And at only $3 to $4 each, you could easily buy them all … and the blue bowl to go with them!

This pretty pitcher is marked at $12, but I keep debating whether or not to keep it.  It makes such a pretty vase.

But for now it has a tag on it.

As a reminder, the Carriage House Sale has been rescheduled to next week due to the potential for severe weather that is predicted for both today and tomorrow.

If you’re local, I hope to see you there!

18 thoughts on “any ironstone fans out there?

      1. What is the town? I have friends that way that I could send over to do some picking for me 😊


  1. Linda,

    I’m drooling! I love ironstone! I’m sorry that I’m not close! I know your sale will be fun fun fun! With lots great bargains to be had! smiles, Alice


    1. I’ve always felt like something just feels wrong about paying more for shipping than for the item itself :-), so it doesn’t seem like it would be worthwhile to ship an $8 ironstone pitcher. Well, and then there’s just the thing where I don’t enjoy the process of shipping; finding a box, packing stuff up, taking it to the post office, etc. I know there are easier ways to do it … so never say never. Maybe one day …


  2. In restaurants I’ve seen them used for syrup and also for cream for your coffee. I’d love to go to one of your sales, but I’m in California!


    1. My neighbor’s cousin from California was up for a visit the other day and she said my prices were about 1/4 of what they would be in California (San Diego area). These are definitely Minnesota prices. Actually, my prices might even be a bit low by Minnesota standards 😉


  3. is that a Desoto gravy boat? I had one and broke it, glued as best I could but am on the lookout for a replacement. I can’t drive in the cities, I’m in Brainerd and too old for that! Would you consider mailing it?
    I totally understand if you don’t want to do that- it will sell for sure!


    1. I’m not familiar with Desoto, and there are no markings on the bottom of that gravy boat. Regardless, it is one of my sale partner’s items (not mine). But if it doesn’t sell I can ask her if she’s interested in shipping it.


      1. thanks, I’m sure it will sell though. The embossed design is so beautiful . They make great “planters” for fake greens.


  4. Ugggghhh… wrong week to be visiting Minnesota. I was there to experience all the “Weather”. Good luck with your sale! I think your iron stone is a steal, so I hope it goes to people who really love and appreciate it, and not some dealer. 😁


    1. Definitely was a bad week for visiting Minnesota! Although, that being said, we didn’t actually get any of the severe weather that they were predicting. Just a lot of rain and clouds.


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